PS II Nike w/CTI 29MM CASE ?

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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anyone flown a PS2 Nike Smoke with a CTI 29 Case yet ?? If so what motors ?
Gonna first flight mine Sat and Im kinda torn on what to fly it on. Was planning on a single use G40-7W first flight with the J/L and then use the CTI - IF the first flight is good :wink:
I did... once. Poor motor choice... I used an H163, it split and shred the stupid plastic fins and did a really nice cartwheel. In hindsight, I'd put some kind of tape reinforcement on the leading edge of the fins if I were going to use anything above a G80, to keep any air from getting in between the halves.
G33 - too little thrust, weathercocked strongly. Ejection at high horizontal velocity- luckily it didn't zipper. It was just a long walk.

Jumpjet also suggests the clear tape over the leading edge.
No help on CTI, but I flew my PS Nike Smoke on a G53-7FJ for a great flight. I bet that any 1G to 2G loads short of the VMAX should be great.
I didnt get a chance to play with the CTI case- but I did get a First flight on the Nike Smoke using a G40/7W A/T . Flew like a champ.....
Here is a Super short video of part of the up- I really wanted to see the flight and keep an eye on it- hence the reason I stopped filming- Sorry :rolleyes:
The flight was perfect though and the wind was light so I didnt even use the J/L :cool:
I flew mine on a 2 grain G83 in a 3 grain case. It went unstable maybe 50' up, made a loop, and flew horizontally over the flight line. Scary as hell.

Open rocket shows 1.63 calibers of stability with that configuration, so not sure what happened.
I flew mine on a 2 grain G83 in a 3 grain case. It went unstable maybe 50' up, made a loop, and flew horizontally over the flight line. Scary as hell.

Open rocket shows 1.63 calibers of stability with that configuration, so not sure what happened.

How did you simulate the extra aft weight of overlong case + spacer? Just an extra mass object fore of the casing?
Just an extra mass object fore of the casing?

Yup, added mass objects for the casing+spacer, an i-bolt, and a corn beeper. Also moved the chute and shock cord all the way back to account for everything shifting backwards under thrust. I simmed it post-flight, but the rocket was destroyed, so I don't know if the sim matches reality.

This was a few years ago, but I don't recall it being particularly windy or anything. I chatted with the RSO afterward and he said something to the affect of "a Nike Smoke is a funny rocket".
Flew my PSII Nike Smoke yesterday on a CTI 2 grain G80 Skidmark in a 3 grain case with spacer. Nice flight to 1,173'.

Nike Smoke FlightGraph.jpg
