Okay, attached is a collage...
Starting in upper left - me with me L1 cert rocket, a LOC IV, Black Rock... then clock wise... me with Colin Powell (I play bagpipes and get to meet a lot interesting people)... then me playing guitar... then me in Washington, D.C. for Law Enforcement Officers Memorial week in 2002 (I'm with the local Sheriff's Honor Guard)... me with my daughter, my wife and my son at my daughter's wedding (my son-in-law is also a L1 certified)... me with my wife before the military ball (I am also in the Air National Guard Honor Guard)... my pipe band in a parade (I am the one on the right (my son is leading the band as Drum Major)... and in the center a picture from many years ago at a railroad show with my son...
...now aren't you sorry you asked?