Oh yeah Afterburners, Coop is right on the nose, she is a great bird to build and fly. Labor intensive, but well worth the blood, sweat and Llama bites.The Destructions suggest the drill thing Coop mentioned but a dremel with cutting wheels make cleaner straighter fin slots. That will be changed in the Destructions soon.
Love the idea of a of a Slimline retainer, will have to put one on my next Space Ark build.
Coop, it isn't a mellon baller, it is an ice cream scoop. I'm very disappointed with you.
Afterburners, the Space Ark (SA) will fly great on a wide array of motors. Minimum G64 all the way to an I240. Did my L1 on an H153.
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*you neeeeeed oooooone*
*you neeeeeed oooooone*
*you neeeeeed oooooone*
emckee, of the four SA's I've built over the years I've never experienced this problem, nor been made aware of any aerodynamic problems caused by the crossbar. I did have troubles, when the SA was first introduced, with the crossbar interfering with the launch rod. But that was far away and many Llamas ago. If you have any images or the contact info of the person who was having the difficulty I'd be very interested to hear more.
Coop, the next SA version will come with rail buttons.