Wow, didnt think the whole bolt allowable thing would be in play,
Ok so, suspended Hyundai (circa 1986) Analysis (I really need a different hobby...)
The kid wanted to use a bolt originally, bolt not screw. Side note, had an engineer ask whats the difference between a bolt and a screw? I gave him the simple answer, 'bolts are for bolting, screws are for... well you know the rest' .
1) For bolts you don't use the threads for shear, that is really bad form, like as bad as putting catsup on a hot dog bad... lets start with that.
2) Lets ignore fatigue, corrosion, bolt fit-up, tolerances and all those important things... for now.
3) And for shear, double shear is the best way of loading a bolt. Pure shear, like the kind you get from prefect reamed holes in a clevis My story - i get to remember the details any way I want.
4) Allowable load (see note 2) ok so if you want to know about bolts, go to the US Bolt Counsel RESEARCH COUNCIL ON STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS Again, keeping with a theme, be careful if you google screw council at work. And since you guys shamed me into this,
ASTM A490 (side note if you go visit the Bolt Council, stop by Portillo's for a dog and an Italian beef, 5 minute walk up on Ontario Street, se note 1 re: catsup)
5) Hyundai Excel 1986 curb weight was 973kg (less than a metric ton if we want to mess with units), or is that 153 stones?.. lets just call it 2,143 lbs, add the 8 track and fuzzy dice and we will call it 2,150.
6) 'Couple of Hyundais' would equal (2) for a total load of 4,300 lbs or keeping the units straight 2 Hyundais, If you want to convert (2) 1986 Hyundais are = to (1) Tesla (model Y)
7) Shear Load, we are talking perfect double shear, The mythical perfect shear, perfectly line bored / reamed holes. load with a universal joint, and just snug on the nut. So each side of the joint will need to hold 1/2 of the total load or ( 1/2*Couple of Hyundai) = (1) Hyundai = 2,150 lbs.
see table 5.1 from Bolt Info )
9) Dumb Simple SINGLE Shear - Rn = Fn Ab where;
- Rn = nominal strength (shear strength per shear plane or tensile strength) of a bolt
- F n = nominal strength per unit area from Table 5.1 for the appropriate applied load conditions, ksi, adjusted for the presence of fillers as fillers as required Perfect shear - no fillers! For PURE SHEAR 75ksi
- Ab = cross-sectional area based upon the nominal diameter of bolt, in.2 - For a 1/4 inch bolt that is .0491 square inches.
10) so, a 1/4 inch really good bolt in a ideal loading condition, with perfectly made parts, load once... can suspend....
- Rn in Hyundai =,((75,000 psi) * .0491in2)* (1 Hyundai / 2,150 lbs)
- Rn = 1.71 Hyundai
- Or in double shear, (3.42) Hyundai > than a couple
To all you kids out there, dont try this at home....