No I didn't, bronze and silver were done before I posted here. ButI can tell 'ya what I did.
For the parachute and streamer durations I used estes Sizzler and Stardart kits. I had a pile of them, and eventually I managed to recover models and get it done. For parachute I used the standard estes 8"chute, and for streamer I got some mylar wrapping paper for like two bucks, and made a 3 to 1 ratio streamer like the in the Handbook and got it (for exact motor and measurements of recovery streamers, I'de have to get back to you).
For the payloader reqirement I used a Quest Zenith 2 with a NAR 28 gram payload. The first time it wrecked itself, so I rebuilt the payload bay out of paper, and it worked.
For the mighty D flight I flew a Dude. I had already flown an Estes V2, on a D an E, but you have to do the flights in a certain order. George that runs NARTREK picked on me a little for qualifing with a dude....
For the Cluster requirement I built my own bird. Its a 13mm triple motor job that works well. I still fly it.
For the glider I built an Edmongs CiCi. I couldn't get the 30 seconds, so I bought a Edmonds Delti and it worked.
Now we are to the gold rocket above. All the numbers look good. 6 flights and Mr. Sheil's approval, and it's on to the advanced levels!