Name my Level 1 Rocket

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2004
Reaction score
Ok guys I have come up with a few names for my L 1 rocket but cant decide which one to use. Im going to leave it up to you all.

Hmmmmm…cool name, or in good with the little woman…cool name, or in good with the little woman…..hmmmmm. :D Well, I would say for sheer coolness go with Enigma Voyger. :cool: Although it might help to see some pictures…nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more say no more! ;) :D …..Of the rocket of course!! geeeez :rolleyes: :D
The Money Shot?? For a L1 roc?!?!?

You haven't even cracked the wallet yet, much less opened it up! :)

I voted for Enigima only because once you start naming rockets
after SO's, they expect it every time. ;)

I'd stay away from "The Money Shot" - unless your paint scheme is *very* "unusual."
and make sure to load up LOTS of tracking powder!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Elapid
and make sure to load up LOTS of tracking powder!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL now thats funny. That wasent what I was thinking of but I see your point.

Given that you may someday want to get away with a L2 - go ahead and butter up your wife....;)
Originally posted by Hospital_Rocket
Given that you may someday want to get away with a L2 - go ahead and butter up your wife....;)

And hope it flies perfectly!
Originally posted by Loopy
don't use the wife's name. bad news if it

That would be bad but knowing her she would want me to try again so her name sake could do it right. Funny thing is, she likes Enigma Voyageur. :p

Dude, it's your decision. Personally, since you're flying a scale model of an IRIS rocket, I think it should be named... IRIS. Unoriginal, I know, but ya wouldn't call a Saturn V model <i>Ethel</i>, would you?
Originally posted by graylensman
Dude, it's your decision. Personally, since you're flying a scale model of an IRIS rocket, I think it should be named... IRIS. Unoriginal, I know, but ya wouldn't call a Saturn V model <i>Ethel</i>, would you?

Ethel, I like that. LOL Point taken.

Well It arrived in the mail today. The box was a little crushed and at first my heart stopped but when I opened it up all was fine. Cant wait to start this build

I'm with graylensman. Iris
The black/white roll pattern paint is an eye catcher.
You won't regret that choice.
I have a scratch 2.6".
One of my favorites.