My Loc Terrier booster & Black Bryant X

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2025
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anywhere USA
My current project is to build this combo to re-reatain my level 1 & 2 certs. And to modify the motor mounts to run 29, 38, and 54mm for the Terrier boost and for Black Bryant X 29, 38mm motor mounts.

For level 1 I will go with motor ejection, with electronic deployment as backup. I purchased egg timer products which I need to build and test.

I plan on putting a couple layers of 4 oz glass on the body tubes, and across the fins tips.

I welcome suggestions or criticism as long as it is respectful.

The two photos are of the 38mm fin can construction Black Bryant X


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This photo is the 29mm motor mount that can slide inside the 38mm motor mount / fin can assembly Now allowing you to fly both 29 & 38mm motors


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My current project is to build this combo to re-reatain my level 1 & 2 certs. And to modify the motor mounts to run 29, 38, and 54mm for the Terrier boost and for Black Bryant X 29, 38mm motor mounts.

For level 1 I will go with motor ejection, with electronic deployment as backup. I purchased egg timer products which I need to build and test.
Not certain about NAR, but the certification rules for Tripoli specifically exclude multi-stage models for certification flights... "Staged or Clustered rockets may not be used for certification flights.".

Looking forward to your build, but you may need to modify your plans somewhat.
Not certain about NAR, but the certification rules for Tripoli specifically exclude multi-stage models for certification flights... "Staged or Clustered rockets may not be used for certification flights.".

Looking forward to your build, but you may need to modify your plans somewhat.
Yes I know the rules, I am planning to fly the booster with a nosecone in place of the transition adapter. And as I get up to speed with electronics, hopefully the Black Brant X will be a duel deploy.

Thank you, David for your input.

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LOC Terrier Booster Fin can 54, 38, 29mm motor mounts


  • Terrier 54mm fin can .jpg
    Terrier 54mm fin can .jpg
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  • Terrier booster .jpg
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  • 54 38 29 motor tubes .jpg
    54 38 29 motor tubes .jpg
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Are you going to need to cut slots in the end of the transition/ISC that engages the Black Brant sustainer airframe to account for your motor retaining clips you installed on the BB motor mount; or it there enough clearance that the wall of the transition will slip over them?
Are you going to need to cut slots in the end of the transition/ISC that engages the Black Brant sustainer airframe to account for your motor retaining clips you installed on the BB motor mount; or it there enough clearance that the wall of the transition will slip over them?
Hi David, Yes is enough room in the ID of inter-stage coupler please see photo


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Does anyone know a source for this style of launch lug, yes I know it's probably 20+ years old and I don't remember where I got them from. 3"x 3/4" w x 1/2" t


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Filled and Filet or if you prefer Fillet all the longitudinal fin supports and centering rings on the 54mm motor mount for the Terrier booster with Bob Smith 3,500 psi epoxy with milled glass. and the same will done the 38mm motor mount for Black Brant.


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Well I have the recovery harness is epoxied in place, attached loop with D ring sewn in. And installed the 3/16" brass conduits for stage separation and ignition.


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Well I ordered Xyla Foxlin's Total Boat fiberglass kit to glass the air-frame and tip to tip fins And should arrive latter this week. And the motor hooks from Apogee Should arrive today. So I can finish up on the 38 and 29mm motor tubes for booster & sustainer.
This is my idea of setting up multi interchangeable motor mount system at the most basic level and lowest cost for a rocketeer.

I welcome your thoughts and criticisms as to why it cannot work or that it is a viable method ?


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    54 to 38 engine mockup .jpg
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  • 54 38 29 motor tubes .jpg
    54 38 29 motor tubes .jpg
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While digging through folders, binders, and other paperwork, I found my Tripoli membership handbook My old membership # 010710 also found instructions for some of my electronics and Sky Angle parachute :) 🏁