Very nice rocket. Yes that thrust plate looks nice. What are you planning for a motor for its 1st flight? What did the weight come to with out motor?
One other thing what is the space between retainer cap and MMT I see in the pictures?
Very nice rocket, but you do realize the entire world now has your mobile number!!!
Wow, either that's a huge rocket or you're a midget.
Ha, just kidding John! Nice rocket! Needs paint.
Moved to watering hole
You're probably taller than me (I'm a stubby 5'6") but darned if that rocket doesn't make you look short.
Seriously, though, that rocket looks great! The nosecone is a thing of beauty....
Best of luck on the inaugural flight!
Make sure someone gets a lot of pictures and video. Once again very nice job.
Make sure someone gets a lot of pictures and video. Once again very nice job.
Teddy no LDRS for us. TFR is taking a very large part of our lives now. Maybe to much.