My Apoogee Components MX-774B HIROC flying rocket build log: I decided to bust out a scale project after completing several non-scale model rockets of late. I first organized all the kit components and made sure all parts were accounted for which they were. Then it was on to cutting out all the basswood and balsa fin component parts which, as one can see, are many. The laser cutting on all the parts is simply impeccable and as usual with Apogee Components kits, the wood is high quality. These kits aren’t cheap by any means and you pay for the quality of the components and awesome, detailed instructions. Once all the fin parts had been extracted it was on to fin assembly. These are sandwiched fins with the basswood in the center and balsa on the outside. Each side contains two separate balsa plates and all is glued together with medium CA glue which is a nice change from the long dry wait time of wood glue. Next, using thin CA glue, the outer edges of all fins was saturated to make sure the balsa/basswood joints would not chip during the upcoming taper sanding. I then sanded the outer edges to level off the areas and to prepare to sand the first taper (root to edge). The root stays thick and tapers to 5/16” at the outer side edges. To facilitate this first linear taper I drew guidelines along the edges at 3/32” from each side. A note of caution to future builders of this kit. The lower balsa fin plates have multiple pieces cut out from them and they can be over handled when aligning them during the glueing process. You will have little time to position these pieces before it is too late. I had one plate the got pushed a bit too hard and the internal slots got misaligned and squished. Not to worry though as this is balsa so repairs were quite easy to make. The other three fins came out fine in this regard. That’s all for tonight.
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