Moving...again, back to Florida.

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Well-Known Member
TRF Supporter
Apr 22, 2009
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So 3 years ago (March of 2006) I thought it would be a great idea to move to NC, buy a house, get hitched, fly rockets, and live happily ever after. Dang it! I hate it when I am wrong! Aside from buying the house, the rest of the plan seems to have gone to heck and a hand basket as none of those other pursuits have been successful. I'm ready to move back to Tampa, FL and hit the big 'ol "reset" button. Many reasons are prompting this change, current employment situation being one of them, and I'm sure I've mentioned thinking about moving before, but that time is now here. I find this to be a somewhat foolish pursuit as this current economic climate is going to make 2 major changes seemingly impossible: 1) sell a house without losing a kidney, 2) find a job. I'm pretty stubborn and all the motivation I need to make the move is in place so I'm diving in head first.

My posts here since TRF got back online have all been non-rocketry related. For that, I apologize, but ultimately my goal is to re-establish a certain quality of life and rejoin those of you that still have the time to enjoy a hobby and share your experiences on this forum. Besides, I hear Tampa has an HPR club now. :) TRF has always been my forum of choice without regard to its purpose for being online. I find this forum to continually draw some of the finest folks I've ever met and I appreciate your friendship.

That being said, wish me luck! Oh yeah - if you're interested in buying a house, drop me a line! LOL!
Glad to hear that you're coming back to FL.:)

Tampa does indeed have a HPR club. I made the trip up there a week ago. There were a total of four M motors flown.

Great place to fly, you'll like it.
take your time life for many of us seams to be beating us up. so fight back and take your time no stress and remember don't sweat the small stuff
Glad to hear that you're coming back to FL.:)

Tampa does indeed have a HPR club. I made the trip up there a week ago. There were a total of four M motors flown.

Great place to fly, you'll like it.

Best thing for me was getting to meet and greet some friendly cows at the gate. That was different.....;)
Eugene, good to hear from you. Yeah, the job market sucks, but your young and childless(I assume), and married still (I hope), so it does make it easier.Look, it's survival time for most of us, do what you have to do. We're all with you. It is important to be able to take time out to do something to relieve stress and bring some enjoyment, and for us here at TRF it's obviously flying rockets. I say if moving to Tampa allows you to be able to to that again, it's a no brainer.