I'll echo everything that 's been said. I built an 18mm spool out of a 5" length of BT-20 and two AOL CDs. I enlarged the center hole with a Dremel, and used two cardboard 2060 centering rings on each side of each CD to center the body tube. Epoxy held everything together. I drilled a hole in each CD for 1/8" launch lug that ran the full length of the body. I put a short conical nose cone on it "to improve the aerodynamics". I flew it on a B, IIRC, and it got maybe 30 feet up. Spools are fun to watch, they fly ok under thrust, then go unstable at burnout and pretty much stop dead in their tracks. So if you bother with a recovery system, use the shortest delay motor possible.
I've got a picture of it around somwhere, both static and in flight, which I'll post as soon as I find them.