@Tookanforever --
First, I am glad your rocket turned up !
Second, there is a wealth of information in the Featherweight files but it can be overwhelming at first !
Please don't hesitate to ask Q's ... I like to hear Q's and A's from other users because I always learn from them !!
So ...
I downloaded your files to take a look at the flight data from your Blue Raven an Featherweight GPS.
I don't own a Featherweight GPS so the best A's for your Q's on operating the GPS will come from
@Adrian A or other TRF members.
And Adrian is at Balls this weekend so we may not hear from him until he
Drives back from NV to CO next week.
Having admitted that I am no expert, I see at a glance that your GPS file, Tracker anomoly.xlsx has different columns than the samples that Adrian posted here on TRF for his flights.
That could be because Adrian has added more columns to the GPS files in newer versions of the GPS firmware and phone software than the latest one I have from his
J record attempt using Loki J1026 ( post #124 ) last June.
But maybe the file you posted is a 'lost rocket file' instead of the GPS data for your flight ?
These are the columns I see in your GPS file compared to Adrian's J1026 file, filtered thru the GNU/UNIX sdiff program ( your GPS on the left, Adrian's on the right ).
TRACKER .........................[001]: Tookanforev | UTCTIME .........................[001]: Jun 02 2024 14:47:17.
DATE ............................[002]: 45535 | UNIXTIME ........................[002]: 1717361237.099
TIME ............................[003]: 0.44366549768518521 | ALT .............................[003]: 5485.8
GS Lat ..........................[004]: 37.167679999999997 | LAT .............................[004]: 40.88669
GS Lon ..........................[005]: -97.739840000000001 | LON .............................[005]: -104.63799
GS Alt asl ......................[006]: 1286 | #SATS ...........................[006]: 23
TRACKER Lat .....................[007]: 0 | FIX .............................[007]: 3
TRACKER Lon .....................[008]: 0 | HORZV ...........................[008]: 0
TRACKER Alt asl .................[009]: 0 | VERTV ...........................[009]: 0
FIX .............................[010]: 0 | HEAD ............................[010]: 79
HORZV ...........................[011]: 0 | FLAGS ...........................[011]: 1
VERTV ...........................[012]: 0 | >40 .............................[012]: 0
HEAD ............................[013]: 0 | >32 .............................[013]: 10
FLAGS ...........................[014]: 0x00 | >24 .............................[014]: 10
#TOT ............................[015]: 0 | RSSI ............................[015]: -36
>40 ..........................[016]: 0 | BATT ............................[016]: 4.021
>32 ..........................[017]: 0 | Altitude AGL ....................[017]: 1.8
>24 ..........................[018]: 0 | Launch detection ................[018]: FALSE
RSSI Down .......................[019]: -21 | Apogee detection ................[019]: FALSE
RSSI Up .........................[020]: -50 | Landing detection ...............[020]: FALSE
Horizontal range (ft) ...........[021]: 0 | Distance (feet) .................[021]: 6.5556
Alt AGL (ft) ....................[022]: -1286.001 <
Total range (ft) ................[023]: 1286.001 <
LoRa Max Range (kft) ............[024]: 0 <
LoRa Success Rate ...............[025]: 1 <
BATT ............................[026]: 3.7030000686645499 <
GS_batt_v .......................[027]: 3.62100005149841 <
Down Sent .......................[028]: 0 </
Down Rcvd .......................[029]: 0 <
Found Sent ......................[030]: 0 <
Up Sent .........................[031]: 1 <
Up Rccvd ........................[032]: 0 <
Found rocket ID .................[033]: <
Found rocket lat ................[034]: 0 <
Found rocket lon ................[035]: 0 <
Found rocket altitude ...........[036]: 0 <
Found rocket fix ................[037]: 0 <
Found rocket batt_v .............[038]: 0 <
Found RSSI ......................[039]: -50 <
Is there a way in the Featherweight App on your phone to select your GPS device and then 're-download' the GPS data for your flight ?
I don't know the answer to that Q but maybe a GPS owner knows or Adrian will know the answer for sure.
I can give some general help on .csv file handling on windows though.
The Blue Raven and the GPS produce .csv files by default. but three of the four files you attached are .xlsx files.
This is probably because when you Double-Click a .csv in Windows, it will helpfully open the file in Excel and then when you exit Excel, it will offer to save the .csv file as an Excel file which is not always so helpful because the Excel file ( .xlsx ) may contain less of information than the original, raw .csv file.
But Excel is a wonderful tool for viewing the data !
For that reason, I please allow me to suggest that you keep copies of your raw .csv files, in a safe place 'just in case'.
Do you have the original .csv files from the Blue Raven ?
If so, please post your original .csv files and I believe we can at least plot the Blue Raven inertial and barometric data for your flight.
-- kjh
EDIT: fix my bad grammar and spelling