Marc Klingers 2005 Screen Saver - REVIEW

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Mark Palmer

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2004
Reaction score
I just had an opportunity (and privilege) to review the beta version of the 2005 version of Marc Klinger’s Rocket Screen Saver ( I have the original version and all I can say about the new version is ….WOW!!!!

I can't remember the last time I had this much fun watching a screen saver!!

This thing is loaded with the high quality, action oriented shots that are Marc’s trademark. Marc is photographer but also a rocketeer and his work demonstrates his knowledge of both disciplines.

Just like the previous version the images are incredible! Liftoff shots that are heart stopping. Flight and recovery shots that are absolutely breathtaking and some truly astounding CATO shots. No fuzzy, long range shots here. All of the images are startling in their clarity. Marc also has some unique ways of blending a sequence of shots of the same rocket (or rockets) that really tell a story.

The shots range from low power flights through midpower and on up through high power (I know of at least 2 N motor sequences).

The layouts are more complex and visually stunning then the previous version. Marc has incorporated some 2 color blended backgrounds where the previous version just had black. AND…. there are few people sprinkled here and there among the images. When Marc asked for input on whether or not to add shots with people, I voted “no people”. I was wrong! There are only a few shots with people (none “of” people) and they were very cool.

As a side note, the operation of the screen saver is flawless. I have it loaded on Laptop running Windows XP with a Pentium 3 processor and have had no issues at all. I have run the previous version on a number of different PC’s using everything from Windows 98 to XP and never had an issue.

Mark Palmer

PS: I have no ties to Marc Klinger or Big Kid Productions. I am only a satisfied customer!!!!
I have the previous version, if this is even better I'm definately getting it

I have it on my computer at work and now have 4 more people very interested in rocketry because of it ! It's funny, I've had to bring rockets and motors in to work for show and tell.
Hard as it is to believe, the new version is definetly better...try will love it.

Thanks for the kind review Mark!

I really like how it turned out. It has replaced the older version
on my computer at work and people have already noticed
and are asking questions about high power rocketry which is
a great thing!

I'll be eager to hear more feedback as the first few should
be out there by now.


- Marc

Klinger Photography