I launched my first Mid powered rocket last weekend, a Loc Precision Graduator, at a club launch. I used an Aerotech F25-9W motor. The igniter was attached a little to well and did not release right away when the motor ignited. It was off the pad before it came loose which looked kinda cool in the video. I learned not to secure it so well with tape is the cure for that. I did cause the rocket to go up at more of an angle than planed though. Because it did not go up at the angle it should have, it was on it's way back down when the chute deployed. I replaced the shock cord with Kevlar rope. When I recovered the rocket, there was a tear in the body tube about an inch long from the shock cord mount. Its a thin rope that is epoxied to the body tube. Any suggestions on how to prevent that from happening again on this rocket? Someone at the launch site said put a small rubber ball over the cord so it will cushion the cord. I am just wondering if there are better ways to fix this issue.