Link test

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Feb 2, 2004
Reaction score
Disregard. Just getting a feel for the image hosting of the Forum.

I'm new, be nice. :)

What I have questioned is why I have to click a link to see pictures on all posts I have read, yet I can see my picture in this thread as posted? Did I just do a no-no on this board?

I find clicking on a image link annoying, but for dial up it is pry a feature. I'm on cable and just want to see the picture included in the acending thread.

Am I seeing what every other poster does?
I am nice :)

I'm just saving your skin from getting damaged by the admins :D ;)

Yep, you guessed it. Images are only linked and are not shown because way to many rocketeers here spend too much money on thier rockets and not enough on high bandwidth connections :D
Ah ha! IC. I even Photoshop them down to easy bandwidth viewing too, (22K in this case) oh well...

I was wondering why it was so cool to see a thread unfold with images without having to click a link, 1 at a time, losing the flow and interest/point.

I'll just post a image, one at a time, and post 5 times to get the point across. I don't like it, but I love the Forum and kinda understand the Admins regs on it. Naw, I lied, but shall heed and proceed accordingly!

56K modems, and free dial ups will be gone soon, I had one 5 years ago. Kinda like my first Aerotech kit... wait, that was 1 year ago, doh!

We all progress at diffrent rates.

Thanks Leo.
Hey FDB,
There is nothing wrong with the way you posted your pic. A few others do that as well.

It is just a nice feature for people without web sites to be able to upload pictures to the board. It is also nice for people that have limited bandwidth. This board can be so busy that sites hosted on Geocities and such would be shut down for short periods of time due to going over the bandwidth limit.

Now that would be frustrating...viewing the thread but not being able to see the pic at all!!

You aren't breaking any board rules! Have at it.:D
Thanks Nomo, The BSD post in High Power would be pretty hard to understand if it was click/graphic specific, but I'm just learning here.

Like I said, I'm just figuring the Forum out, but Photoshop the images for the Web, 30K and under, 56K modem ideal. I hope I didn't rough feathers.
Another thing that folks do, if they have the photos up online on a web page photo album, is to post a link to the album. That way you can have two windows going, one with the text of the thread you're reading and the other with the photo's that pertain to it.

welcome to TRF, you're going to love it here! :)