Just an update for now. Met with my L3CC adviser. Nice guy. We talked for about 2 hours about all sorts of stuff. Anyway, he wasn't particularly thrilled with the design. He would prefer a more conservative and conventional L3 attempt. Something without fins extending past the bottom of the body tube, conventional construction techniques.
Ultimately he understands my desire to use this design for my L3 attempt. We came to an agreement that I'll document the snot out of the build, fly it on a K or L motor and prove the rocket, design, and electronics package. Afterward, I'll make my L3 attempt.
He also thinks my timeline is a little on the aggressive side to be ready for LDRS. I understand that, and logistically speaking, it can be difficult to work out doing my L3 at LDRS. Ultimately someone I may or may not have met will be the deciding factor on whether or not they'll sign off on the flight, and then there's the possibility the RSO won't like it. So for now the plan is to get my L3 cert locally. As long as everything comes together, this rocket is still coming to LDRS with me, though.