But............ The filaments were fragile and I was able to purchase a pile of ematches before they were temporarily cut off. Never did the "light" thing as it was too much of a PITA to break the glass off. I did learn to make some "nasty" ematches back in the day but again, too much a PITA to do and I just bought in bulk and store them in the proverbial "cool and dry" place so I was set for life. They fell off the market for a time with the LEUP snafu from years ago. Glad I bought before the hammer went down. I think they're easier to get now. Even got some off ebay and they were reliable. Kurt
I used them quite successfully back in the day, before I could buy the chinese ematches on ebay.
I only broke the top of the glass bulb off so it stayed higher than the filament. I then ohmed the bulbs and threw out the ones that showed "open".
I then used a narrow tweezers to pull the shorting wire out from the base of the filament wires. That shorting wire is what kept the whole string lit if a bulb burned out. I then ohmed the bulbs and threw out the ones that showed "open".
I then twisted the leads of two bulbs together and soldered on some 24 ga. shooter wire. I then ohmed the bulbs and threw out the ones that showed "open" or twice the ohms of the others that were tested.
I then wrapped a paper tube around the two bulbs and hot glued the to bulbs in one end. I then ohmed the bulbs and threw out the ones that showed "open" or twice the ohms of the others that were tested.
At the field, I poured the needed amount of powder in the tube, folded the top over and taped it closed. Then used as ejection charges with a single altimeter. Never had a failure.
Started using ematches as I got tired of the huge amount of work it took to make the charges from the bulbs. I still have a container full of bulbs from the old xmas light strings. I kept all those bulbs when I replaced the strings with LED strings. No more tripped breakers on the xmas lights and I can run 8 - 10 strings together instead of just 3.
I use red and green on the drogue side and blue and yellow one the main side when testing altimeters.