When in doubt... build hell-for-stout!
An upscaled re-design of Bret Simpkins "Top Secret" model rocket, circa 1973.
This upscale features a Pine Nose Cone, BT/C-55 Body, 1/8" Basswood Fins and Oval Tube Fins. Powered by 24mm or 29mm motors.
This upscale features a Pine Nose Cone, BT/C-55 Body, 1/8" Basswood Fins and Oval Tube Fins. Powered by 24mm or 29mm motors.
This rocket will be a test mule for a "new to me" rear eject that spits the motor out the back, and drags the parachute out with it. It has a motor tube to redirect all the ejection debris out with the rocket... the chute will never see the ejection charge.
The motor slips fits into the motor tube and is temporarily secured with a small piece of masking tape.
A D12 lifts the rocket to about 700' apogee... we'll try it on this motor for it's maiden voyage.
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