Well-Known Member
Howdy folks!
I decided I should get my L3 before getting married so she doesn’t find out how much I spent on this project.. Shhhh
Anyways, this won’t be the official documentation of the build but I will try and keep everyone updated with photos as I go.
The rocket is an Ultimate Wildman, 6” in diameter, 124” tall and weighing in at an estimated 29 lbs built (empty). I’m a terrible painter, so I hope to have it vinyl wrapped.
It will be constructed using EA-120HP and some accessories include Kevlar harness, Aeropack retainer and a Cert3XL deployed by a pair of RRC2+s for redundancy and tracked with a Featherweight GPS.
It will be powered by the mighty Aerotech M4500ST which sims to just over 11k and Mach 1.
If all goes well, I plan to fly it at NCR in June for Mile High Mayhem. (Paging @UPscaler, you should come check it out)!
Super excited to get this project moving!
So far, I washed all the parts in my tub, then sanded everything down and now they’re sitting in a corner waiting to be built.
I decided I should get my L3 before getting married so she doesn’t find out how much I spent on this project.. Shhhh
Anyways, this won’t be the official documentation of the build but I will try and keep everyone updated with photos as I go.
The rocket is an Ultimate Wildman, 6” in diameter, 124” tall and weighing in at an estimated 29 lbs built (empty). I’m a terrible painter, so I hope to have it vinyl wrapped.
It will be constructed using EA-120HP and some accessories include Kevlar harness, Aeropack retainer and a Cert3XL deployed by a pair of RRC2+s for redundancy and tracked with a Featherweight GPS.
It will be powered by the mighty Aerotech M4500ST which sims to just over 11k and Mach 1.
If all goes well, I plan to fly it at NCR in June for Mile High Mayhem. (Paging @UPscaler, you should come check it out)!
Super excited to get this project moving!
So far, I washed all the parts in my tub, then sanded everything down and now they’re sitting in a corner waiting to be built.