L3 project - Ultimate Wildman “Andromeda”

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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2014
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Howdy folks!
I decided I should get my L3 before getting married so she doesn’t find out how much I spent on this project.. Shhhh

Anyways, this won’t be the official documentation of the build but I will try and keep everyone updated with photos as I go.

The rocket is an Ultimate Wildman, 6” in diameter, 124” tall and weighing in at an estimated 29 lbs built (empty). I’m a terrible painter, so I hope to have it vinyl wrapped.

It will be constructed using EA-120HP and some accessories include Kevlar harness, Aeropack retainer and a Cert3XL deployed by a pair of RRC2+s for redundancy and tracked with a Featherweight GPS.

It will be powered by the mighty Aerotech M4500ST which sims to just over 11k and Mach 1.

If all goes well, I plan to fly it at NCR in June for Mile High Mayhem. (Paging @UPscaler, you should come check it out)!

Super excited to get this project moving!

So far, I washed all the parts in my tub, then sanded everything down and now they’re sitting in a corner waiting to be built.



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Best of luck!

I would love to check it out, but with NSL following directly after LDRS I'm likely not going to have the travel budget or bandwidth to make it out to another launch in that time frame.
I thought from the thread title that this was going to be the Wildman USS Andromeda... which would have been absolutely bonkers for an L3.
I didn’t know that was a thing!

Edit, I thought it was like a complex LPR rocket that I saw called that, it’s actually a long and thin rocket with ecliptic fins.
Watching your build. I too will do my L3 on the Ultimate Wildman. Wifey bought it for me for Xmas. Patienly waiting for the parts as I start the pre-build assessment.

Ultimate Wildman is a solid kit for Level 3.

As for "patiently waiting," you're a better person than me. I placed an order for a kit on Christmas, and am waiting for Tim & Jackie to let me know my order, along with some others, are ready - I'll then pop over and pick things up for a number of my locals. I'm not patient about such things. :)
