Yep, the weather was alright if you didn't consider the wind, however it was a good time.
I will now try to get in a launch report.
I arrived on the field around 10 on Saturday, and decided to do my first midpower with my Initiator on an E16 reload. Got it all loaded, on the pad, 5-4-3-2-1-WOOSH. "Man that was loud! Uh-oh, let me see a chute, oh crud!" *SPOCK*
The chute opened up as soon as it lawn darted, meaning the EC forced the nose into the ground into the impossible mud, gave the body tube a nice fixable crimp, and gave me 5 minutes of shoveling with somebody's fin that I found. Got it back though, the nose needs paint.
On my second midpower flight, I decided to do my G-Force on a G35. This took a lot of prep, aka sanding, to work. I have a humorus pic of this. Anyways, got it out to the pad, loaded it on the rail, 5-4-3-2-1. The thing gave me a little wimpy psssss and the ingniter fell out. Someone gave me a magnelite and I tried again. 5-4-3-2-1- POP. I saw a lot of smoke, and the igniter fell out again, so someone gave me an igniter again. Went out to the pad, I see pieces of motor on the ground. First CATO, first lawndart in the same weekend. The damage isn't too bad, nothing unfixable.
Matt, I'll get the pics of your flight up later today.