Just a thought

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Myers, FL
I was just wondering if you have pets that try to interfere with you when you are building your rockets.

I have two cats and they love to try to play with my shock cords and parachute shroud lines.
hmm... well, i have a dog and if i leave the door open to my workshop sometimes he can get in the way/mess things up... but not much;) My brother has a hamster and sometimes that *distracts* me (thinking about which rocket could send it into orbit best:p :kill: )
Yes! My cat almost epoxied himself to a rocket last night, when he jumped on the work bench and started "rubbing up".
One of my cats used my R9 as a litter box

6 trips to the washing machine later it stopped smelling like s***

NAR 77267
TRA 09848
mostly with shock cords, during attachment phase. :) the cats just sit and wait for the end to dangle off the table...
Three cats.

Bella- Needs constant attention. Likes to sleep in the midde of my build bench

Niles- When he's in the basement, it's one long M-E-O-W untill he is satisfied with the attention he recieves

Whiz- Loves eating and playing with Kevlar!
Well, no cats, but do small children count? Mine sure are pesky and it's tough to get anything done rocket-wise when they are underfoot!

Our cat loves to play with the shock cords of course, and any little tube that may be laying around that she can slap around the floor. Parts go missing all the time.
My dog however, Tera (Boxer/Bulldog mix), is terified of rockets. When I go outside to launch them, she goes into panting and hyperventilating mode. Now she even does it when I take one out just to paint it.
The kids are always part of the rocket building, asking 100 questions, but that's a good thing. Little do they know, they are secretly in training to become "Rocket Recovery Specialists". :)


Here's Rocket Specialist #2 with me at the Assembly Station.
And here is the fraidy cat, er, I mean dog, with RS2.

My cats don't do much but lay on my bed. WHenever I get one of those toys with an elastic string, i can however expect the string to disappear if I leave it out then find it two days later in a yellow puddle with cat food chunks in it. Oh yes, it's always by the front door. Sometimes if I leave the door open to the workshop they will knock something down, but rarely.