Is user to user shipping of 30 gr and less motors legit?

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J Blatz

Well-Known Member
TRF Supporter
May 8, 2010
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Can one person (without a hazardous shipping permit/account) ship 30 gr and under grains to another individual via USPS ground?

I know vendors ship this way on the small stuff, just wondering non-vendors.
You need a letter from the usps saying that you are permitted by them to ship usps shippable motors before you can do that.
In this case begging forgiveness is not preferable to asking permission. Here is the applicable U.S. Postal Service reg:

341.22 Mailable Explosives

The following specific types of explosives may be mailed only when the applicable conditions
are met. Full responsibility rests with the mailer to comply with Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives (BATFE) regulations before mailing.

a)Toy Propellant Devices. The proper shipping name for a toy propellant device is “model
rocket motor” or “igniters.” A toy propellant device assigned UN0454 or NA0323 and classed
as a Division 1.4S explosive is eligible for mailing in domestic mail via surface transportation
only when prior written permission has been obtained from the manager, Product
Classification, USPS Headquarters, Washington, DC. A device approved for mailing is
subject to the following conditions:

1. Each device must be ignitable by electrical means only; contain no more than 30 g
(1.07 oz) of propellant; and produce less than 80 newton seconds of total impulse
with thrust duration not less than 0.050 second.

2. Each device must be constructed so that all chemical ingredients are preloaded into
a cylindrical paper or similarly constructed nonmetallic tube that does not fragment
into sharp, hard pieces; must be designed so that it will not burst under normal
conditions of use; must be incapable of spontaneous ignition under 500° F; and must
not contain any type of explosive or pyrotechnic warhead other than a small,
activation–charge, parachute–recovery system.

3. Each mailpiece containing approved devices must be prepared for mailing following
Packaging Instruction 1A in Appendix C. A shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods
is required.

How your local ATF gendarmes might react is beyond my ability to predict.
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Thanks for the info guys. Obviously, I am not going to do this after reading said info - I will have a vendor who has the right stuff ship them for me.

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