I'm legal!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
Well it is official, I have joined the NAR. Thank you, Thank you.
Well I'm sure you all know what I'm going to do next, yep, Go for my L1. Well just thought I'd share the good news.
The last time I heard someone make that announcement, it was their 21st birthday. ;)

Congratulations and Good luck...
Don't overlook all the other good stuff that the NAR has to offer...
Originally posted by Fore Check
The last time I heard someone make that announcement, it was their 21st birthday. ;)

Unfortunately, I'm way past that.
Originally posted by Steward

Congratulations and Good luck...
Don't overlook all the other good stuff that the NAR has to offer...

Like what for example?
Or her 18th.
:D :D :D just what I was thinking.

anyways, great stuff from NAR:

- check out the NARTS library. man there is a lot of great stuff in there.
- L1, L2, L3 certification - the sky is the limit!
- fighting the good fight to keep rocketry legal
- NARTREK. great way to work through a variety of flights and acquire skills that you might otherwise ignore. some people enjoy getting certificates.
- a pretty darn good rocketry magazine
- 10% discount at my local hobby shop!
Originally posted by cls
[B- NARTREK. great way to work through a variety of flights and acquire skills that you might otherwise ignore. some people enjoy getting certificates.
- a pretty darn good rocketry magazine

I'm actually looking forward to starting the quest for NARTREK achievements. It just looks like a great pursuit in the hobby. And yes, the SPR Mag is very sweet. It's awesome to get one in the mail.

Congrats on joining the NAR kelltym88!