I *WAS* Biking 300 Miles for American Cancer Society... But I'm not any more.

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.....OpenRocket's ..... "Chuck Norris"
TRF Supporter
Mar 27, 2013
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I saw the Sine (and It opened up my mind...)

Tonight, after work, it was a simple ice run on the Mad River Trail (to KFC), with a side trip down the Creekside Trail, and a 2nd loop on the Mad River Trail. I also nearly got run over by a train (I entered the underpass just as it finished passing over).

One way to increase distance without going further... Forget the concept of the shortest distance between two points being a straight line. Ride while constantly turning in a sinusoidal motion (when safe to do so) and on the outside of the curves. Point A to Point B may be 2 miles apart, but you increase the distance your tires (or tyres (for those who use BrE)) travel, and you pick up additional feet.

TMFTM 55.3 (+13.7)


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I am sorry man, just know that sometimes the people who harrie and harass have a wicked spirit who is absolutely opposed to those who do good. Thier spirit strives against the spirit set for helping.

There, I said that with any reference to a book that seems to be reported immediately.

You are a good man @K'Tesh never give up.
As my posts kept getting deleted from the FB discussion (perhaps due to my complaints about being harassed by racist motorists last night) I have decided to withdraw from the challenge and am no longer participating in it.
The complaints being removed just shows what sort of people they are, good on you for not putting up with it...
perhaps due to my complaints about being harassed by racist motorists last night)

I feel for you. I had to stop riding on open roads with my son due to motorists intimidating him. When he was smaller, I used to pull him in a trailer and we had multiple people driving modded trucks slow down next to us and "roll coal" blowing the exhaust in his face. I hate everything about that diesel truck culture.
I don't know if I've biked 300 miles in my life, but the ONLY riding I do is on the local "rails to trails" bike paths.

As far as Facebook, I have no use for it.
The thing that really got me pissed was that the asshats did that less than 2 blocks from my apartment. I'd spent the night (9:30pm - 1:30am) primarily riding on rail to trail paths.

I think I need to track down my valve stem puller.
I feel for you. I had to stop riding on open roads with my son due to motorists intimidating him. When he was smaller, I used to pull him in a trailer and we had multiple people driving modded trucks slow down next to us and "roll coal" blowing the exhaust in his face. I hate everything about that diesel truck culture.
While biking on the roads, I've been shot with pellet guns, had bottles thrown at me, and get yelled at a lot. I don't understand those people. I'd much rather mountain bike with the cacti and rattlesnakes.
Some people just do not understand. They hate people that have fun, when they never can figure out how to do that themselves.

Some people just have to hate, it's the only emotion they can feel.

Sad, it seems to be 50% of the population.
Just call if you need some help!
Remember: Extracting valve stems is much more than double the trouble if you pull more than one. 1728847677519.pngThey can't just put on the spare, and it's hard to figure out why the tires keep losing air.
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So... Now I'm riding for myself... And while I took it a little easier on myself today, I upped my mileage from 81.7 to 89.5. This was just a simple grocery run with a stop at Wendy's (for ice). It'd probably have gone better had I remembered to bring my debt card.