I Need a SDEV - Spare Decals Elimination Vehicle

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Well-Known Member
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Jun 9, 2015
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Denver, Colorado, USA
I admit it. I often don’t use the decals that come in my model rocket kits. Sometimes I use my own paint scheme. Sometimes I just think the model looks better without them. Sometimes I am simply scared that I am not skilled enough to apply the decals correctly.

I have probably a dozen sets of unused model rocket kit decals.

Is there a model rocket kit that would be good for using up these left over decals? I am thinking the look would be something like, “VW Bus camper van that has its back side covered in stickers from every park, roadhouse, rock shop, head shop, radio station, and surf shop in America”. That sort of vibe.


I admit it. I often don’t use the decals that come in my model rocket kits. Sometimes I use my own paint scheme. Sometimes I just think the model looks better without them. Sometimes I am simply scared that I am not skilled enough to apply the decals correctly.

I have probably a dozen sets of unused model rocket kit decals.

Is there a model rocket kit that would be good for using up these left over decals? I am thinking the look would be something like, “VW Bus camper van that has its back side covered in stickers from every park, roadhouse, rock shop, head shop, radio station, and surf shop in America”. That sort of vibe.


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Ooh! I just was inspired to create the "Evolution Solution" with stickers from my pile of unused rocket appliques in the manner the OP thought of. Or I could just buy a VW Van...nah, a rocket is always cooler. Thanks brother, now rummaging for a flying barn door. Low and slow, high drag and NO paint. Coming soon to a playa near me.
I've got some Estes Mini Honest John and Bandito decals that I'm willing to send out for free to anyone* who wants them.

* U.S. residents only, please.

EDIT: Do you think there should be a stickied thread where people can post decal requests and decal offers? Like Paperback Swap, but for decals...and no requirement that you have to donate a decal set to get a decal set. Anyone can give what they can and take what's reasonable.
EDIT: Do you think there should be a stickied thread where people can post decal requests and decal offers?

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I have lots of stuff I'm happy to give away, a bit available very cheaply and stuff I want money for ('cause I'm like that).

Lots of free decals here. Lots of Semroc decals cheap.

And 22 sets of Estes Jetliner decals... They take up space.
Yes. Yes. Yes.

I have lots of stuff I'm happy to give away, a bit available very cheaply and stuff I want money for ('cause I'm like that).

Lots of free decals here. Lots of Semroc decals cheap.

And 22 sets of Estes Jetliner decals... They take up space.
Is this something we can do, @cwbullet?
I really have to ask. How and why? This takes obsession to a new level. Love ya like a brother but did Mom ever have you tested?

The kits were cannibalised to make gooney kits because I couldn't get Big Bertha nosecones. I really can't throw anything away...
GNOMEX-RAY sounds like a neat name for a scratch design.

You won’t beat our prices for flame proof products, come on down to GNOMEX-RAY!
You could take some standard 3FNC model (Rhino, Big Bertha, etc) and finish it like a telephone pole covered in posters and signs…. Just slap them on! Crooked, wrinkled, torn, it’s all good! 🤪
The Sticker & Decal Shack..
Got One, Give One. Need One, Take One

I'm a sticker, your a sticker, he's a sticker, she's a sticker, wouldn't ya like to be a sticker, too?

Who doesn't love a waterslide?
Not sure if it's a big enough rocket for your interest, but the Estes Generic E2X is a blank slate, all-white rocket that's a perfect option for extra stickers. Just remember that it comes with its own stickers too! 😆
Assuming the powers-that-be at TRF approve it, here's my proposal for the "Give a Decal, Take a Decal" thread. I think it can be stickied in the Yard Sale/Wanted forum and could be worded something like this:

"This is a thread for anyone who wants one or more decals to finish a custom or clone build. It's also a place for people to donate extra decals or decal sets that may no longer want. These can be original/OEM decals, but they can also include homemade reproductions. Here's how it works.

If you need a decal or have a decal you don't need, first search this thread to see if anyone is offering it or has made a post asking for it. If neither applies, make a post outlining your request or what you have. If someone has what you need or needs what you have, you two can exchange PMs.

This exchange is supposed to be 100% free, with the only cost being the stamp the person sending the item has to use to mail them out. If you want to charge for your decals, that's cool, but then make a traditional For Sale post instead.

After the exchange/transaction (assuming it went well), feel free to make a post in the TRF Good Buyers/Sellers stickied thread.

There is no requirement that you must donate as often or more than you receive, but it's obviously a nice goal to strive for."

I'm just spitballin' here and am open to suggestions or other ideas on how to implement this "system." For example, maybe we expand this to any model rocket-related product that can be sent with a regular envelope and USPS Forever Stamp. This might open the doors to sending someone an LPR parachute protector, disposable wadding, original instructions (or promotional materials for the diehard OCD model rocket cloners) or small parachute, for instance.