All of my flights with 38mm Contrail hardware and J246 reloads have very successful. However, one of the issues I have had with my GSE is that the fill and dump solenoids are quite current hungry. If your battery isn’t very healthy or lacks capacity, then the fill process might be too much for it, particularly if your not using a relay-based pad box with the battery at the pad, and a solenoid saver.
Looking at your video, the launch occurred as soon as the vent tube popped, but I didn’t see much evidence of liquid NOx venting prior to the launch. I would typically wait a couple of seconds after you see a definite vent stream occurring.
I had considered using a load cell on the rail to monitor the fill, but I have decided to just use remote fill pressure monitoring and a vent sensor to confirm the fill, as well as visual confirmation with binoculars.