I'm new to composite motors, after using Estes black powder engines---A through E---since about 1965.
But now, I've built the Nike Smoke, got three Aerotech F26-6FJ motors and a new launch controller for F and G composite engines.
And I'm at a loss as to how to use the Copperhead igniter. I get the part about inserting the head of it with the igniter stuff on it into the engine.
But then, the wire at the other end---what do I do with that? It seems insulated--both wires in one. Do I just attach the micro clips to it? Or do I separate them? And do I strip the insulation (or what I take to be insulation) from them for the micro clip?
Or do I do none of the above, just attach the mirco clip (one or two clips?) to that other end and press the launch button?
Sorry to be so uninformed, but the instructions don't really seem to be all that helpful----at least for someone used to the old school nichrome wire igniters of old where you have two wires for two micro clips.
Thanks for advice...
But now, I've built the Nike Smoke, got three Aerotech F26-6FJ motors and a new launch controller for F and G composite engines.
And I'm at a loss as to how to use the Copperhead igniter. I get the part about inserting the head of it with the igniter stuff on it into the engine.
But then, the wire at the other end---what do I do with that? It seems insulated--both wires in one. Do I just attach the micro clips to it? Or do I separate them? And do I strip the insulation (or what I take to be insulation) from them for the micro clip?
Or do I do none of the above, just attach the mirco clip (one or two clips?) to that other end and press the launch button?
Sorry to be so uninformed, but the instructions don't really seem to be all that helpful----at least for someone used to the old school nichrome wire igniters of old where you have two wires for two micro clips.
Thanks for advice...