How often does everybody get to launch?

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For me, not since August. :( Seems like every time the weather is nice, something comes up that's more important.

This Saturday might be the first for 2018, we'll see. When I was with CRC in Ontario, it was once a month from about March/April to October/November.
Twice a month except in the summer. Sharon and I have two high power launches within a two hour drive every month until June, when it gets too hot here in Arizona. We also attend Holtville havoc and Rocstock in southern Calif. Airfest in Kansas and October skies with TCC in central Calif. Also went to Alamogordo NM for the National Sport Launch.
We did 16 different launches last year, and spent 50 days camping in our toy hauler at these events.
It depends on the weather. Usually about six launches a year.
our club has a monthly launch.. 2-4 of those are scrubbed due to weather, other commitments, flaming fireballs from space, etc..

A friend & I try to do a few ourselves over the summer..
Typically one launch per month with my local club and maybe 1 or 2 others per year. About a dozen total.
LPR - Typically 10-15 times per year. Our after school rocket club launches 6-8 times depending on weather. I try to make it to our club's low power launches occasionally, the rest would be my son and I launching at our site across the highway. If I included one-off flights in our yard/field, the total would be higher.

HPR - three to four launches per year if I'm lucky...

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our club has a monthly launch.. 2-4 of those are scrubbed due to weather, other commitments, flaming fireballs from space, etc..

A friend & I try to do a few ourselves over the summer..

Yup, in 2017 we flew once a month for 8 out of the 12 months, missing only Feb, Mar, May, and Nov.
Airfest plus one or two club launches plus one or two personal launches.

Just upgraded the homestead though, so should be able to at least do more FAR101 personal stuff.
There are 9 or 10 that I help host plus I attend BALLS and LDRS. Of the ones I schedule three are usually canceled due to fire hazards or weather. The only one I didn’t fly at least one rocket at last year was BALLS I think.
Try and get to my club's monthly launch - they usually cancel August and sometimes September for Heat / Airfest.
Lo/Mid; several times a year when the TARC practice field is mowed by the city.

Hi; 4-5 times a year depending on my ability to get to club hi-power launches, and if I can get the right motors I want (I'm allergic to Hazmat).
With aging parents needing more care, rehabbing a house we inherited from an aunt, kids in high school sports and attending college, and working every Sunday, the last few years have been something like once or twice every year or two. I live vicariously through reading about the adventures of all my TRF friends most of the time. But with the house selling soon, and the kids in college, our weekends are starting to free up. But now, it's looking like we will be moving (again) in June so that will be another giant time suck.

Still, I have hope that 2018, or at least 2019, will be better.

[edit: Unless of course I decide to pull the trigger and start working on my doctorate. In that case, all bets are off for another three to six years.]
6 or 7 HPR launches, depending on the weather. Probably another 6 or 7 LPR/MPR launches.

HPR is my main hobby and my family is understanding enough to work around my schedule so I can be gone for an entire day. The LPR launches are just a half day in the morning, so I still have the bulk of the weekend to hang out with them.
HPR, 2/year or so. A dozen or so MPR launches supporting the high school TARC team. I'm trying to fly at more of those.
Our club is pretty active and we schedule at least 2 launches a month. High power season is going on right now in Ohio, but we cancelled the first launch in January and downgraded the second launch to low and mid-power. The field conditions at our high power field are not good with all the snow and ice so we moved back to out summer field for the last launch. The club does a lot of community outreach in the warmer months (Boy Scouts, museums, schools, etc.), so 3 to 4 a month or even more would be possible.
3-5 times a year due to problems with California weather: Fire danger from April-May through November-December and rain December through April. Then there’s the wind at most of our launch sites.

An actual launch is the exception rather than the rule.

if not for LUNAR’s Snow Ranch site there might be ~years~ between launches.
If I was really trying hard I could probably get to 2 launches a month from Feb - November. I have about an hour drive to each launch site.
As far as the club launches go, we're fortunate to have a local club with access to a range that permits high power rocketry. Our attendance is irregular. We go maybe once a year or every other year and I typically only go to spectate which means I have someone new to the hobby with me. This is the only place I can really fly something I'd like to try and get back that has composite motors. Recycle times of 20-30 minutes between racks of launches are typical which makes for a poor experience when I bring the kiddos. They tend to get impatient. The last straw for me was when a rack of low power rockets was loaded and someone forget to arm/activate the pad (likely a newcomer). Rather than allow me to run out and flip the switch (15 yards away) he say "Well, gonna have to wait" as if to somehow pass along the lesson of "arming the pads" before walking away.

We found a local park which is stacked with soccer fields. Sunday afternoons are the only time during the year when you won't find any kids playing on it. That's where I take the nephews and friends whenever we want to just enjoy the hobby as I recall it growing up.
Currently running 15-18 LPR launches/year at Fiesta Island and attending another 6-8 HPR and/or national events (LDRS, NARAM, NSL) as feasible. Feeling very lucky as I get to see thousands of flights annually. Remaining bucket list: BALLS and Airfest.