I'm about to fly a Madcow Super DX3 on a Aerotech J420 with a dual deploy recovery. I want to try flying with friction fit nosecone and aft end. I've read that this works fine with these kind of rockets. I don't expect this to fly crazy high (maybe below 3000ft). I also understand that the BP ejection charges should NOT be so energetic. It should be enough to seperate the aft end and let its momentum take the drogue chute out and not send the main bulleting out. So I guess my questions are:
1) What is your defintion of friction fit?
2) How does it hold the aft end as the motor is finished burning to prevent drag separation and how does it hold the nosecone before main deployment.
3) How do you guys do your friction fits? What kind of tape do you use?
4) How confident are you in friction fit based of your experiences
1) What is your defintion of friction fit?
2) How does it hold the aft end as the motor is finished burning to prevent drag separation and how does it hold the nosecone before main deployment.
3) How do you guys do your friction fits? What kind of tape do you use?
4) How confident are you in friction fit based of your experiences