Hobby Lobby Rocket Clearance 2022

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Clearance at my local HL is topical, currently flower arrangements and picture frames from what I can tell. Perhaps they are simply punishing me for buying every C6-7 in a three-store area to feed the 7 motor muncher in my avatar.
Something I noticed at my local Hobby Lobby is that when they mark up stock, they always put it in the front of the display and leave the older, lower priced items in the back. This past weekend, they had a Cherokee D for $16.99. I pulled it out to look at it and noticed the same kit behind it was $14.99.
Motors and pretty much everything else followed the same pattern.
Something I noticed at my local Hobby Lobby is that when they mark up stock, they always put it in the front of the display and leave the older, lower priced items in the back. This past weekend, they had a Cherokee D for $16.99. I pulled it out to look at it and noticed the same kit behind it was $14.99.
Motors and pretty much everything else followed the same pattern.

Probably just laziness on the part of the person restocking, I suspect. It takes more effort to take off the old stock, put the new stuff in the back, then put the old stock in front.
I picked up 5x $1.99 Luna Bugs, a $2.39 Lunar Scout, a $5.99 Vapor
$1.99 Leaper anyone? I grabbed 2. I think someone put the wrong price tag on the leapers.
There was still more $1.99 leapers and at different stores the leapers were $5.99. Woops
I also noticed the "regular" rocket section was well stocked with motors and kits at all the stores I was in. Everything was quite picked over when I was there a few weeks ago. Nice to see them keeping the shelves stocked.


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Slim pickings at the Hobby Lobby in Westminster, Colorado, USA. All that was left in the clearance corner was one Lunar Scout and some Leapers. Bought the Lunar Scout. Looks fun.

Now, how can I modify the Lunar Scout to take a D12-3? Hmm…


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I got to two the two nearest Hobby Lobby stores this evening. Net take: one Luna Bug at $1.99. I could have had up to eight Leapers (four at each store) but that was it. The second store's rocket area is already reset — apparently there will be no new kits with this reset.

Some motor packs have a $1 price increase, but those prices will still be quite good. I picked up a couple of B6 packs at $5.99 (the old price) and may well go back for more, as that beats even AC Supply.
C6-7s are $1 more than the other C6 delay times, B4-4s are $1 more than B6-4s, etc. There's a bunch of bizarre motor pricing at hobby lobby right now. When I went looking for clearance, the prices of several kits had gone up by $2, while the website hadn't changed. So I ended up just buying online because there was a $50 free shipping threshold anyway.
At the store first store I was at, it was C6-0s that were higher (with older ones at the prior price behind them on the same hook, as others have noted). I'm sure that all C6s will be up to 8.99 a pack, and Bs will go to 6.99 as they get more stock in. As were also mixed at both H-L stores I went to last evening.

As has also been noticed, there seems to be no effort made by the folks stocking HL's hooks to put the older stock in front. So when things are in transition like this, it looks really silly, but provides opportunities as well.

I guess I'd better go get some more 5.99 Bs while the getting is good. All of the ones I looked at yesterday were still at that price (B4-4s and B6-4s and -6s). But if you're seeing them up a dollar, I'm sure they will eventually all be.
Between PDawg and I, I'm pretty sure we have hit every HL in the Chicagoland and surrounding burbs. There's really nothing left in this area other that some leapers which honestly do nothing for me. I couldn't justify buying one of those even at $1.99.
Not much at my HL but some Leapers and Luna bugs on clearance. I would have picked up an Vapor or two, had they had them. Motor prices, the Cs are up to $8.99, but the As and Bs are still $5.99/3 (old stock). I had already bought a lot of Bs, Cs, and D12s at the old price, so I'm good for several years. Particularly since my wife and son don't attend launches as much as they used to and they are the main users of As and B motors.
As of the Fri 17th my HL had not marked anything down yet. I was looking at the Mean Machine an Vapor(3). Today Fri 24th I found they had finally reset and all that was left was 3 Luna Bugs(mine), a deeply discounted pack of A10-0(mine) and several Mars Leapers(nope). Apparently there is another serious flyer in my town.
Also 1/2", 3/4" & 1" white, red & black peel n stick letter packs. Those will be handy.
Jealousy! I would love a couple of cheap Vapors to kibash. The parts in the Vapor are worth at least $10 or so.
Which is good since one of my Vapors had 2 fins cracked in half. This is fine, still worth $5.99 and I'm not into that fin shape anyway.
Stopped after my day was over at the HL in Racine, WI. Checkout person stated someone got to everything that morning; kicking myself for not making it on Wednesday when I could have but didn't think of it during my lunch break. Oh well. There was a Luna Bug and Lunar Scout left so I grabbed them and spent a whopping $5 or so. (Plenty of Leapers - not interested).