Goony Goblin

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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I saw this cool looking kit on astronboys website and just had to have it along with a few other things he had. I had a Baby Bertha kit I bought at a Hobby Lobby half off sale. I was so excited about the Goony Goblin I went ahead and assembled all of the rocket except for the fins that I would tack on when I got the plans. When I got the kit I saw where the first line of the instructions said to glue motor mount all the way up inside body tube with the retainer hook barely sticking out for more stability.OOPS I had glued the mount in according to the Baby Bertha plans, even with the end of the body tube.

1. Will This rocket be stable or should I add some weight to the nose.
2. If I need to add weight how much.

Astronboy maybe you know the answer but help from anyone would be appreciated. When I get it painted I will post some photos, it is cool looking without paint and decals so I can't wait.
You should be fine. The Goblin fins are fairly large and should more than emulate the Baby Bertha fins. The BB is a pretty stable design. Must run in the family.
I have one of his Goblins in my "to do" bin,also.I just got done adding the decals to one of his Goonie Maxs.I originally built it but I wound up screwing up the paint job(Rustoleum Gloss Red) so I built another.No fault of the paint.I tried building another one using some Testors Brite Red as an experiment just to see if I liked it better.I didn't because it looks more like a redish orange.Nice color but not for a Max.I decided to just go ahead and use the decals on the first one.It actually came out great considering.As for the orange one it's just gonna either stay stock of perhaps may get the extra skull wrap from a full size Big Red Max also from Fred.
Anyhow I have a Bluebird Zero,a Goonie Goblin and Goonie G on the way.I used just a tad bit of epoxy in the nose of the Max just out of instinct.That actually seems to make it a bit wind sensitive so I kinda wish I hadn't.The Goblin doesn't have the same fin area,though.
I played around with the Rocsim of the Goony Goblin.

Barrowman gives a CP of 7.8" from the nose, and Rocsim gives 8.0".

If you make sure that the CG is 6.0" from the nose, or further forward, you should be fine. If not, add just a bit of noseweight to bring it up to 6.0"
