I believe for most real time APRS tracking with Google Earth, one would need online access and the app you describe above. APRSIS32 used to be able to cache
MapQuest photomaps (old but usable) but that has gone away. GPS Rocket Locator can cache maps for NMEA trackers, EggFinder, Missileworks and the old
Arts system. My newer cellphone Android 5.1.1 doesn't seem to want to cache google maps with any appreciable zoom level anymore so I don't know if that option is viable anymore or it's just my device.
My suggestion is to avoid cables of the USB type as they easily get torn out and removed unless you put everything in a small box.
Photomaps are nice but there are a lot of unencumbered Open Source maps one can store on their device and not have to rely on a live Internet access.
That W2APRS app you point out above is compatible with a Kenwood D74 with a Bluetooth link to your tablet but holy molee it's pushing $600 to $700!!
Too rich for my taste. A USB cable to a Windows tablet from a D72 would work with a lot of ham tracking programs but again, I don't think they
have LIVE access to the Google Earth maps (except that Android W2APRS).
It is possible to recover a rocket without maps. Two points and a line on a screen is all that's needed but one can't plan a recovery very well then.
I did it once and found out I could have driven on road to a close place to park and just walk a short distance to the rocket rather than hike straight line through
some obstacles.
APRS Droid is workable with a Bluetooth connection to a Mobilink TNC connected by wire to any H/T. One has to have their gain settings correct and I find on
walking recovery I have to "transmit" my local position on air to get my local position to "move" on the map so I can see if I am proceeding in the right direction.
A local distraction but doable.
With NMEA trackers and two instances of APRSIS32 on a tablet, I just walk and my position is plotted every 10 to 15 seconds automatically.
The altitude from the EggFinders are less than to be desired in this setup and the inaccuracy may be compounded by the tracking software. Nonetheless, the
ground plots are dead on. Kurt