I DO to and they have a really good assembly manual on site!
See, I have heard stories off and on over the past few years of of people doing that, but I can't understand how it would even be possible. For the Level 3, don't you have you have pretty extensive contact with the L3CC ahead of time? Submit a plan for your rocket prior to beginning construction, have interim inspections during construction, submit a plan for the recovery and have it approved, and probably jump through several other hoops before the day of the launch even arrives? I can't understand how someone can do that, obtain all of the initial and interim approvals, and have a member of the L3CC work with them for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, when the person doesn't even have Level 1 certification yet. How is this possible? I can see how a person could obtain L1 and L2 in one day, but not all three over a single weekend.I think we had a youngster do all 3 level in one weekend last year. It didn't hurt that he has been doing rocketry longer than some adults(like me) and he is in his second year at MIT. I think Troj can say for sure if he got all 3. none the less the kid is bright!
If you have the knowhow I would give it a shot!!!
I am curious to hear how any of them pulled it off.
I am not 100% sure the guy went for all 3 levels. It is just what someone had told me. As far as doing your level 3, I haven't even contemplated that one yet. I am still working on level 2. I did check what tripoli web site says and you are correct that they have to provide blueprints and parts list and other design documentation, but its not required before the start of production(at least that is how I read it. I could very well be wrong.)I think if I am reading tripoli correctly it is very possible to do all 3 levels in a weekend. I would think someone would have to be extremely knowledgeable to do so. I have problems with people who rush through levels just to say they have them(this doesn't pertain to anyone in particular). I like to learn as much as I can before moving on to the next level. It took me 4 years before I attempted my level 1.
Take Care