FYI, Discontinued Quest Kits...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2009
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Hey All,
If you are into collecting or want em to build, these Quest kits have been discontinued. Any remaining stock at the distributors is all thats left, no more will be produced:

2006 Icarus
1601 Nike-K
2008 HL-20
4001 X-30 Aerospace Plane
2012 Super Cruiser
1615 Pulsar
1616 Aries
1607 Nike Smoke
1602 Tracer
1605 Big Rage
1603 Falcon
oh man, Big Rage is the kit that snared me and made me a BAR.

I think we've built just about every one of those kits. Nike Smoke and Falcon and Tracer were real favorites too.
The problem with the Nike Smoke and the Big Rage is the nose cone. Being that it is the old mold from the MPC kit it is pretty much worn out and the sales on these kits does not offset the cost of a new mold. Lets face it, how many people outside of this forum know what a Nike Smoke is? As it is the original fin unit (with all of the fins in place and the plastic centering rings) is no longer made. I think I am most upset about the Icarus and the Nike-K.
That sucks! I was wanting to build an Icarus butI don't know how much they are going for or where they can be had...... Maybe HobLob has one.
Big Rage was my 1st rocket - mind you, it disintegrated during its maiden flight, so I've no great emotional attachment to that model.

Lets hope this cull is to make catalogue room for loadsa new kits/designs!
Originally posted by Blue_Ninja_150
That sucks! I was wanting to build an Icarus butI don't know how much they are going for or where they can be had...... Maybe HobLob has one.

I have seen the Icarus at local Hobby Lobby stores.
Now would seem like the best time to nab one with the sale...
if you can get the cashier to believe it's an Estes kit. ;)
Originally posted by rokitflite
Hey All,
If you are into collecting or want em to build, these Quest kits have been discontinued. Any remaining stock at the distributors is all thats left, no more will be produced:

2006 Icarus
1601 Nike-K
2008 HL-20
4001 X-30 Aerospace Plane
2012 Super Cruiser
1615 Pulsar
1616 Aries
1607 Nike Smoke
1602 Tracer
1605 Big Rage
1603 Falcon

Scott, thanks for the heads-up. I notice that most of those (1600 series) are Quick-Kits. The only ones on that list that I've really considered buying are the Icarus, the Super Cruiser, the Big Rage, and the Falcon. Since I already have 2 Icaruses, a Mirage, and a Super Bird, the Big Rage and Falcon are no big loss to me.

What is it with Quest and payloaders anyway? And is the Zenith II the only two-stage rocket Quest makes?

I'm going to post what I think is a comprehensive list of Quest's kits, including the discontinued ones and the 4 new ones.

[Edit: Note that the Bright Hawk's model number (1017) has been corrected, and the Navaho AGM is now shown as a two-stager.]

Quest Model Rocket Kits as of 10/12/04				
Name		Type		Number	Status		Comments
Pip Squeak			1001	
Sprint				1002	
Antari				1003	
Astra 1				1004		
Commander			1007		
The Flash			1011		
Totally Tubular			1012			tube fin
Big Betty			1014		
Aerobee Hi			1015		
Full Moon			1016		
Bright Hawk			1017	NEW!	
Payloader One			1018	NEW!		payloader
Nike-K		Quick-Kit	1601	discontinued	
Tracer		Quick-Kit	1602	discontinued	
Falcon		Quick-Kit	1603	discontinued	
Q E-Z Payloader	Quick-Kit	1604			payloader
Big Rage	Quick-Kit	1605	discontinued	payloader
Lightning	Quick-Kit	1606		
Nike Smoke	Quick-Kit	1607	discontinued	
Apollo		Quick-Kit	1608			<b>payloader</b>
Astra III	Quick-Kit	1610		
Seeker		Quick-Kit	1611		
Mirage		Quick-Kit	1612			payloader
Apex		Quick-Kit	1614		
Pulsar		Quick-Kit	1615	discontinued	
Aries		Quick-Kit	1616	discontinued	
Triton-X	Quick-Kit	1617			<b>payloader</b>
Penetrator	Quick-Kit	1618			<b>payloader</b>
Super Eagle	Quick-Kit	1619			payloader
Sport		Quick-Kit	1620	NEW!	
Gamma-Ray			2004			payloader
Icarus				2006	discontinued	payloader
HL-20 Lifting Body		2008	discontinued	
Spin-Fin			2009		
SuperBird			2010			payloader
Courier				2011			egglofter
Super Cruiser			2012	discontinued	
Proteus				2013		
X-15				2014	NEW!	
Intruder			3001		
Navaho AGM			3003			two-stage
Zenith II			3005			two-stage
Flat Cat Boost Glider		3006		
Tomahawk SLCM			3007		
Harpoon				3008		
M2Q2 Lifting Body		3009		
X-30 Aerospace Plane		4001	discontinued	
Space Shuttle Intrepid		4002
Has there been any pictures of the proposed new Quest kits? Besides the X-15, the names don't give much hint towards their design.

Thanks, JRThro, rokitflite and Ltvscout!

Not real excited about the new designs though........Not very imaginative. Oh well, better than nothing.

How about something new from Custom, eh guys????

i gotta run down to a shop near me and pick up that pulsar thats been on the shelf for the last 2 years
Hi JRThro,
The Navajo AGM is a two stager as well. There are alot of payloaders in the Quest line, but this is because alot of them separate in the middle and give you the option to make it a payloader or not. I generally only think of the ones with the clear section as payloaders (I loved my X-Ray!!!). The flyer that has the Bright Hawk on it has an error, the correct catalog # for this kit is 1017. Thanks for printing the list!
Now that I have seen this thread, I regret not buying the Big Rage when we were at hobby lobby today...I had fun with this kit when I shoved an E in it and saw it go and go and go...good first flight....lost the payload the second flight due to the cruddy bulkhead...nice rocket though
Originally posted by rokitflite
Hi JRThro,
The Navajo AGM is a two stager as well. There are alot of payloaders in the Quest line, but this is because alot of them separate in the middle and give you the option to make it a payloader or not. I generally only think of the ones with the clear section as payloaders (I loved my X-Ray!!!). The flyer that has the Bright Hawk on it has an error, the correct catalog # for this kit is 1017. Thanks for printing the list!

Thanks, I'll go back and edit the post with the list on it.

I have a Mirage and built it with the nose cone glued to the payload section, so that it's just a rocket that separates in the middle.

My Super Bird hasn't been flown yet, but it could be flown either with or without the payload section in it. It's a nice looking rocket either way.

And my 2 Icaruses haven't been built yet, so I'm still trying to decide just what to do with them.
They are basically the same. The Bright Hawk uses a one piece fin unit that slips OVER the body tube rather than the fin unit plugging into the back of it. This makes the Falcon longer by the length of the fin unit. I liked the original Falcon with the one piece fin unit. I saw one fly on a G300, quite impressive for the .5 seconds before it went through the clouds!
For what its worth, here is a picture showing all of the different variations on the same shape Quest fin unit...
AH! Well, that new configuration will certainly make it easier to adapt to larger motors.

I really like Quest kits. I was hoping to get a Super Cruiser. I have an Intrepid and I thought I should have a SC to go with it.
I have an extra unbuilt Icarus kit if someone would like to trade it for a Super Cruiser...
A very generous soul on TRF sent me some Quest kits and my 13 year old daughter loves the ones with the fin cans. As she puts it she, "doesn't like the ones with the wood."
I really need to post some pics. She built a Viper and we painted it red and gold with black fin unit and nose. The red and gold is striped up the sides by following the BT seam - like a candy cane. That really wasn't all that hard to do and really looked good. We had a Starhawk that she wanted black and we 'glued' purple "make-up" glitter on it with clear. That worked well also.
She's building a Big Rage to fly my home made altimeter in for her science fair project.
I just like Quest stuff. Not the best I guess but I have an attachment to them.
You may still be able to get a Super Cruiser from one of the places that carry Quest kits.

I would probably buy one now if I saw one at Hobby Lobby.

You can see from my signature that I like Quest kits, too.

I also have an extra unbuilt Icarus that I'd be willing to trade. But you go first, <b>bcdlr</b>, since you thought of it first.
Originally posted by rokitflite
Hey JRThro,
Would you like a Harpoon kit???

In trade for the Icarus? Sure! But only if I'm not jumping in front of bcdlr.

Can you e-mail me, and we'll talk about it further?

(jrthro @, without the spaces)
Super Cruiser is a really cool kit - it was my 4th or 5th as a BAR - but I never could get it to fly straight. I think it was because of those forward canards. be very careful to get those on straight.
No, you're not jumping in front of anybody.

I have a Super Cruiser iffins you wants it.
All, please note that I've edited the list of Quest models in my post of 4:06 PM on 10-12-04 to indicate that the Quest Apollo, Penetrator, and Triton-X are all payloaders. Gotta get things right, ya know.
And if you plan to USE the Triton-X or the Penetrator as a payloader BEFORE the 18mm Ds come out I suggest flying nothing much heavier than a mouse poot for a safe flight.
Originally posted by rokitflite
And if you plan to USE the Triton-X or the Penetrator as a payloader BEFORE the 18mm Ds come out I suggest flying nothing much heavier than a mouse poot for a safe flight.

How soon? And are we talking 18 mm by 2.75", standard motor sized D's?