Free Astrobee 1500 scale data!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
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Aerojet General Corporation has created a data packet on their Astrobee 1500 sounding rocket designed for use by scale modelers.

This data is compiled on DVD and includes manufacturer drawings, sales brochures, flight reports and a series of pictures reproduced from color slides (Samples attached).

This is an experiment by a few of the Aerojet staff to gauge the interest in making this information available to modelers.

And...It's free!

In order to obtain one of these data DVDs, you will need to write a polite and professional letter to Aerojet requesting the DVD.

Write to:

Judy Bauer
Aerojet Communications Dept.
P.O. Box 13222
Sacramento, CA 95813

In your letter request, "...A set of DVDs of historical information on the Astrobee 1500". Note: The data may come on one or two DVDs depending on how it is compiled/copied.

A few notes about ordering this data:

1) Requests MUST be in writing. Please do not call or try to e-mail.

2) One DVD/set of DVDs per letter.

3) Please do not request information on any other Aerojet products along with the Astrobee 1500 data requests.

Again, this is a test project. Depending on the response to the Astrobee 1500 data, data DVDs for other Aerojet sounding rockets may be made available at a later date (Hint: Next program would be the Astrobee-D).

Several Aerojet staff in the Communications Department and other areas of the company have worked to make this data available to modelers. Aerojet has a long history of developing important rockets for scientific and government needs.

This data would make an excellent resource while building Peter Alway's Astrobee 1500 model. ;)

Even if you don't believe you would ever build an Astrobee 1500 model, looking through all the information on the DVD is pretty cool! :cool:

And, remember, it's free!

So, don't hesitate to write Aerojet and request your copy of Astrobee 1500 data. Be sure to thank them for making this resource available.

Astrobee 1500 Rollout.jpg

Astrobee 1500  Recruit attachment.jpg
I've dashed off one letter. Thanks for posting this info!

--Chan Stevens
Wow, I'm a little surprised. When I was heavy into researching the Aerobee 350 in 2001 (still researching --, I contacted Aerojet, and they were very adamant that they had no data whatsoever for the Aerobee 350 (flown from 1965 through the mid '80's). I got the distinct impression from them that it was due to the age of the materials and the vehicle involved. The last Astrobee 1500, on the other hand, flew in 1969 (according to ROTW), and yet the company still had all that information.

Hmmm... So that's a little weird, I think.

Thanks for the heads up on the data.
Wow, I'm a little surprised. When I was heavy into researching the Aerobee 350 in 2001 (still researching --, I contacted Aerojet, and they were very adamant that they had no data whatsoever for the Aerobee 350 (flown from 1965 through the mid '80's). I got the distinct impression from them that it was due to the age of the materials and the vehicle involved. The last Astrobee 1500, on the other hand, flew in 1969 (according to ROTW), and yet the company still had all that information.

Hmmm... So that's a little weird, I think.

Thanks for the heads up on the data.

While I can't speak for data on the Aerobee 350, the data on the Astrobee 1500 was compiled by someone who did alot of digging though the files at Aerojet. In many cases, Aerojet discarded information on these old program during a 'house cleaning' many years ago. :(

Be sure to order the Astrobee 1500 data. If Aerojet gets enough requests for this data, they will bring out more data DVDs on other sounding rockets. ;)
I'm between projects...going to scratchbuild a 1500 with cluster motors...

Anyone actually get this scale data?

Yes, I got this data and the Astrobee D data. Good stuff on the disk. Using the Astrobee 1500 data to improve my Alway model built.

I'm hoping they release more data disk of other rockets.
I'm working on parts for this model for someone already.

This will be very helpful, thanks for the heads up!
I'm between projects...going to scratchbuild a 1500 with cluster motors...

Anyone actually get this scale data?

Yes, and the Astrobee-D disc.

It's all free so order yourself the disc(s). Good stuff! :)