FlisKits: Announcement: Design of the Month

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Well-Known Member
TRF Supporter
Jan 17, 2009
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hey! The fun never stops at FlisKits! :D :D


FlisKits would like to announce the beginnings of what we hope will become a major rocketry event!

A return of a Design of the Month!

FlisKits style!

We do not currently have this announced on our main page (that will be later tonight), but you can go to Services then contests & Prizes for more information!

More details will follow!

Hey Jim, the in-line graphic appears to be broke. Contests be cool :cool:
Very, very cool idea, Jim. I checked out the contest particulars on your web site.

You're setting a great standard for others with your company, ideas, web site, interaction with other rocketeers, willingness to listen, willingness to help.


Originally posted by rstaff3
Hey Jim, the in-line graphic appears to be broke. Contests be cool :cool:

well OF COURSE it was broken....

foolish little me grabbed the link from my staging site rather than my production site...

all fixed now though! THANX!
Originally posted by bmhiii
Very, very cool idea, Jim. I checked out the contest particulars on your web site.

You're setting a great standard for others with your company, ideas, web site, interaction with other rocketeers, willingness to listen, willingness to help.



Thank you. You folks have seen me around here long enough to know that a "standard" is what we are TRYING to set. You old BAR's (*us* old BAR's??? *S*) recognize the standard, i beleive...

it's the same standard that grew this hobby into something more than a weekend of recreation. A standard that set us on a lifetime of recreation. For some reason, there are folks who think that formula no longer works, but I don't beleive it. so there! :D
I don't know which is worse - my excitement to build for the Design of the Month contest or the dampening thought of the hobby going away altogether.

Ah, who cares. Motors or no motors I'll always build rockets whether out of T.P. rolls or paper towel rolls. Hopefully the hobby stays around so that I can continue to buy FlisKits parts, not Bounty "The quicker picker upper."

Thanks for bringing back one of the best parts of rocketry. I can't stop sketching and brainstorming the "perfect" entry!
this hobby ain't going away.

it may be challenged.

hell, it *may* even get interupted or diverted for some period.

but it ain't "going away". Not if we don't let it.

as Yoda would say: "ther is no 'try', there is only 'do'"
well folks, i've formally announced the DOM in several places (those of you who are members of other groups may see this.)

In TRF i feel like so much a part of the family that I tend to be far less formal around here, but thought you folks would like (and deserve) the formal announcement (this coinsides with an update to our main page at https://fliskits.com )

FlisKits, based in Merrimack, NH, would like to announce their Design of
the Month contest.

There have been design of the month contests in countless industries,
but most notably in the modeling industry. These exciting contests were
brought to our hobby thanks to Vern Estes when he introduced them to us
in 1967.

This hobby has been blessed with this sort of "Engineering" event for
many years, in one form or another, by many manufacturers. There have
been many discussions about such an event being revisited by one
manufacturer or another. A strong desire for a return of the DOM. A
desire from BAR's because they remember them so fondly or are excited at
the prospect of their children (or themselves) being able to enter such
a contest. A desire from new rocketeers who've only *heard* of such
contests. A yet to be discovered desire in that budding rocketeer, just
joining our ranks.

Well, it's back! Maybe not the same way you remember. Maybe not from
the manufacturer you expected. But it is back. And with a twist. Go
to https://fliskits.com/ and click on SERVICES then CONTESTS to read all
about our DOM and how you can earn a chance to have YOUR design
professionally manufactured to the enjoyment of all.

As with all of our products, promotions and efforts to support this
hobby and our business, feedback is always welcome at [email protected]

Aim for the sky and try not to miss!
Well, it took longer than I wanted but I have posted our entries for the DOM for the month of March!

Our first 3 entries! I love it!

but, man, there is something about this whole DOM idea that I REALLY don't like....

Brian and I have to actually PICK one of these wonderful designs as the winner....

...now THAT is NOT going to be easy!

Go check 'em out! the Design of the Month contest is really back! As Shrek would say, "really really" :D
well, we've hit another mile stone!

Our very first Design of the Month contest (March) is closed (or, will be at midnight).

I'm so excited my spleen is fluttering! LOL

April's contest opens at 12:01 (and technically, we already have our first entry, so get crackin'!)

The winner for March will be announced on Friday!

now to go check that spleen... ...it ain't supposed to DO that....
:D :D :D :D :D

I was the first entry! Check out the thread about it: Two-Stager with Payload Section in the Coffee House. Please provide any helpful criticisms that you can. I'm trying to get another pic up for you all, but it's not working! I also entered in March, check that one out, too!!!

The March DOM winner has been announced on our web site :D

no freebee's... ya gotta go to the web site to find out who won (I need the trafic... LOL)

All I can say is that I didn't take into account the personal, emotional difficulty in having to pick ONE winner from a field of great designs. That is NOT fun.

I just hope that those who did not win, to not take it too personally (and please try to only blame me a little...). All of the designs were great, but we can only have one winner...

April's contest is now open, so send in yer designs and spread the word!


The April DOM entries have been posted! (from our main page, click on the DOM ad, then click on ENTRIES)

been a heck of a few weeks and we are very sorry that these took so long to get posted. The winner will be announced Sunday night.

No entries yet for May...

...get crackin'!
Shoulda posted "Design by Committee" for DOM. Didn't think you'd take an HPR bird though. ;)
We have received 3 more entries for the May DOM, bringing the total designs up for consideration to 5, our biggest month to date!

You can check them out at: https://www.fliskits.com/services/01services_dom_fs.htm

The May contest closes at midnight tonight!

NOTE: New rule begining in June, design must be flown to enter. Details can be found by clicking on RULES on the page above.

The winner of the May Design of the Month contest at FlisKits has been announced!

You can go to our website for further details!

ALSO: We have received 3 entries for the June DOM contest so far. These wonderful entries have been posted for your viewing pleasure!

Thank you to all who have entered our contest and helped to make it the fun and exciting success it has become!

Jim Flis
The June DOM contest is now closed and July has begun!

The winner of the June DOM will be announced next week.

hmm looks like I will have to design something...If I may ask, when are the results going to be out?
I don't mean to be pushy...I know your busy with all those retialers :D :D
Two entries for the July DOM have been received and posted. Any entries that come in before midnight tomorrow night will be posted for July upon my return from NARAM and will be considered in the judging for July!