An update on the issue that
@kjhambrick saw.
I have isolated the problem and I have a new build that corrects the issue. In build 7d4488f, I had added some code to give the baro sensor a chance to recover if it does not initialize properly, but it turned out that in some cases it would interfere with the accel/gyro sensor initialization. I didn't find the problem before software release because it doesn't show up when the board is mounted on my software development fixture, and it was intermittent when the board is powered up in a normal configuration. Yesterday I was attempting a 2-stage test flight, and the Blue Raven in my sustainer powered up cleanly on Saturday during prep and testing, and on Sunday morning in the prep area. But then when I powered it on again at the pad, the accel/gyro initialization was unsuccessful as long as I had that firmware build installed. While the rocket still the rocket was in the tower, I was able to use the phone app to revert the firmware back to an earlier file that I had stored on the phone and continue.
The most recent phone app build automatically starts an update to the latest firmware, and so I wasn't able to use the app again after reverting the firmware, and had to rely on the beeps. The beeps indicated continuity on my airstart channels after I closed the screw switch I use to isolate them, but I forgot that channels assigned to be an airstart function come up in a software-disarmed state for additional safety. I launched and the airstart did not light because of the lack of software arming.
The actions I'm taking based on this are:
1. Find and fix the source of the problem (done)
2. Add a cancel button to make it possible to avoid the automatic firmware update from the phone.
3. Make it more obvious in the live data screen when there is a sensor problem that makes the altimeter no-go for launch. At the moment it gives you an indication that there's a problem, but it doesn't jump out and grab you.
4. Include a software-disarmed channel in the new go-for-launch summary and in the channel ready beeps
5. Add testing the build with the Blue Raven powered outside of my development test fixture to my list of regression tests that I need to do before releasing a build.
A new app release with the corrected binary should be available tomorrow.