Fatboy: choices, choices, choices!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2009
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While at the local Hobby People yesterday, I made an impulse buy: a Fat Boy. Hadn't built one in a long time, and figured I was due to get another one sometime soon anyway.

But here's the question: WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH IT???

Here are some of my ideas:

1) Build it with exchangeable mounts for 29mm, 24mm, and 18mm, some clustered.
2) Build it with a 29mm Mount and reinforce the fins for G-motor forces.
3) Build it stock and use it as a practice platform for finishing techniques.
4) Put in a cluster mount with 2x24, 2x18, and a single 29, for max versatility.

What do you guys think?

What do I think?

I think you need to buy more Fat Boys so you can try them all!

And build a 2-stage, 24mm version too.

fly on any combination you can think up!
i am of the opinion that you are in need of at least 2 kits!
FB is pretty cool staged!


and, is there anything cooler than a staged cluster???????

just a 24mm is cool in the fatboy!ofcourse it's a great bash kit too.
Here's a link to some build pics of my 29mm Fat Boy. The fins are stock, laminated with epoxy and printer paper. It's made 5 flights total so far, 4 on G35 Econojets, and one on an F20 Econojet. It has 5 oz of nose weight, mmt extends into the nose for wadding free recovery. First flight was recovered with a 14" chute (way too much drift), second flight, I used a 7 x 70 streamer, which tangled, and resulted in too much drift again, and the rest of the flights have recovered with a 12" chute. I'm seriously considering putting it up on an Ellis H50 sometime during the next flying season :D
Love the paint job! I built mine win an evil engine block set up for econojets :kill: Have to build another one with a longer mount!
Originally posted by Elapid
i am of the opinion that you are in need of at least 2 kits!
FB is pretty cool staged!
and, is there anything cooler than a staged cluster???????
Now that's a fine looking two-stage Fat Boy! :cool:

I recently bought a Fat Boy and was considering a modular motor mount design, then I saw your beauty. Looks like I'm going back to the hobby shop for another Fat Boy.

And with the extra nose cone??? :confused: I may have to work on an up-sized Big Bertha. Oh, it will be a busy winter up here... :p