That's a sordid tale filled with sighs. In the first rocket, I missed the part in the instructions where two strips of Scotch tape is used to keep the NC from separating. I instead added masking tape to the shoulder. The recovery was fine except it landed on the road and then disappeared. I imagine whoever took the rocket was inspired and will try to figure out how to use it.
I bought two kits because they're $100 each. I built the second rocket before XPRS and launched it twice. I forgot to bring Scotch tape with me so bought a roll at Walmart in Fernley. I then forgot it in the trailer at the RV park so used blue tape with perforations. It worked fine with the first launch, but the main charge blew open the NC. For the second launch, I put too many perforations in the tape but was a beautiful recovery in the desert (with a borrowed Leviathan NC). I repaired the NC with a bulk head.
Yes, sheer pins are the preferred method. Cris told me he doesn't believe the tube can take the sheer force. It's possible to strengthen the tube with thin CA, maybe.
I did all my first DD with simple masking tape on the shoulder with no problems, even on a 5.35" LOC rocket as well as the 4" later. You make the fit tighter, the charge is going to be close by
But then moved to 2-56 nylon screws. Yes I would CA the holes in the Estes tubes, I never bothered in the LOC tubes.