Since the Executioner is a fairly tall rocket with a decent amount of fin area, I wouldn't think any nose weight would be required.
I've heard of quite a few people flying stock Executioners on the AT F21 24mm Econojet motor and holding up just fine.
But since the F32 is a Blue Thunder motor, he better make sure that he's got some decent fin fillets on there.
F32 is a WL motor. F72 or F101 is a BT motor.
Oh, did I forget to mention that I modified my Executioner a little bit. I split mine in the middle and built three different versions of the motor mount/fin can. I had the standard 24mm motor mount, 29mm mount and a dual 24mm motor mount.Wow, a lot of cunfusing answers referring to a 29mm G80! (but the first reply was pretty good).
Make sure it's got good glue fillets and then kiss it goodbye.
WOW!!!!! That's pretty enthusiastic. Is there any reason you didn't just make a 29-24mm adapter as well as interchangeable motor mounts for the 2x24mm?
I'm guessing it's cuz paper tubes rings & balsa fins are cheap & building is fun. 29 to 24mm adaptor makes sense, though...but you can't have interchangeable mounts cuz the fins are TTW.
WOW!!!!! That's pretty enthusiastic. Is there any reason you didn't just make a 29-24mm adapter as well as interchangeable motor mounts for the 2x24mm?