Estes Rain Maker dimensions

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
Anyone have the dimensions of the Estes Rain Maker #2009? I already checked Jim Z's site and they are not poosted, although the instructions are.

I have the main body tube diameter, I need the upper body tube diameter. I also need the length of both tubes and the reducer.


I have an easy solution for you.

The main body tube is a BT-55

The upper body tube is a BT-5 12.25" long.

The transition...Buy a SEMROC Laser X and copy the paper shroud. It's a perfect match.

Ther transision should download right from JimZ's site. Right click on the image and click on "safe target as" and put it somewhere so you can get to it after it is saved. You should be able to print right from that.

You wanted an excuse to buy a Laser-X anyway!

Thanks Sandman.

Here's what I'm looking to do. I normally don't post prospective projects for 2 reasons.

1. I live in a 1 bedroom apartment and its tough not having access to a decent workshop. Dust gets EVERYWHERE :D

2. I'm lazy. hehe

I am thinking about a 3x upscale version. Main tube would be approx. 3.9" and the upper would be approx. 1.5". I want a cluster of 2 29mm. Most of the stuff I can cutsom order through PML (again that apartment haunting me) except for the transition. That I haven't figured out yet. And the fins will require some work.

I am waiting for my copy of Rocsim I just ordered to work out the details. Thanks for the info.
