Estes Citation Patriot Re-Released Out Soon...

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.....OpenRocket's ..... "Chuck Norris"
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Mar 27, 2013
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Was surfing Estes' website and found the Citation Patriot is due out in January...


In a conversation with John Boren, I've learned that the decals are going to have the longer length red bars as seen in the boxed original, and not the shorter length bars that came in the bagged version.
The Citiation Patriot (MK-3/KC-3/0652) was the third kit in the Citation Series that first appeared in 1971. The original idea of the Citation line was to sell them in department stores. Other kits in the series were the Quasar (MK-1/CK-1/0650) basically a stretched Alpha III with either chrome-plated or white nose cone and fin unit, the Der Red Max (MK-1/KC-2/0651) currently in production, Starship Vega (MK-4/KC-4) nearly identical to the current Semroc kit of the same name, and the Bomarc (MK-5/CK-5/0654) with glide recovery. There was also a version of the Bomarc with parachute parachute recovery (0657) that was available after the boost-glide version was discontinued. The MK-x catalog numbers were boxed kits that included a couple of motors, the CK-x catalog numbers did not have motors, and the 065x numbers were bagged kits that were originally produced from 1975 until they were discontinued during the late 70s - mid 80s time frame.
My Word. Would you LOOK at those Fantastic Waterslides. Is there anything those Magnificent B*****ds at Estes can't do?
My Word. Would you LOOK at those Fantastic Waterslides. Is there anything those Magnificent B*****ds at Estes can't do?

I hope Estes sells those separately for those of us who have bad luck with decals and/or old clones in the works.
I am looking forward to this kit. I still have a Meteor Masher that I bought with the intent of making a Patriot. I have original decals in a scrap book that were giving out by Estes at a NARAM back in the '80s.
I have a boxed gliding Citation Bomarc kit, a bagged non-gliding Bomarc, and a bagged Estes Starship Vega kit. The Bomarc was the only Citation kit that I bought.

This was the first rocket I ever flew and arguably the best kit Estes ever made. I have always had one in my collection, (the current one is a clone). I love it so much I built a Bt-80 upscale.
The original is a great flyer on a C6-5, not fast of super high, just plain fun (low and slow on B6-4).
Here's what the decals that I got looked like with the Patriot that I bought when I was 13...

And what the boxed Citation Patriot's decals would have looked like.

I've heard that the Citation Patriot's white, gold, and black decals had a brighter gold than the later version, but I have yet to be able to compare one to another myself. However, the layout was the same.

Estes Citation Patriot (0652) White, Black, and Gold Decals.png

Estes Citation Patriot (KC-3) White, Black and Gold decals.jpg
If you build four and put them in a single launch platform, is it a Patriot missile battery?

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Seriously, I’ve been wanting to see this one return for quite a while. Dad and I had a Citation version and pretty much flew it to pieces.

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I don't know, I'm from the era this came out as well, and I just don't see the excitement over a 3fnc decal rocket...I mean come on guys........Of course I don't understand the obsession with the Omega either, you know who you are:)

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I don't know, I'm from the era this came out as well, and I just don't see the excitement over a 3fnc decal rocket...I mean come on guys........Of course I don't understand the obsession with the Omega either, you know who you are:)


Now you are just being unPatriotic!
Sigh.. Every time I see a thread with a rockets NC of that shape, I think of all the Mega opportunities missed when Estes dropped the Mega Max NC from their website. I always intended to order a couple, a spare for my Max & Mega Goblin. Now they are gone. sigh..
I don't know, I'm from the era this came out as well, and I just don't see the excitement over a 3fnc decal rocket...I mean come on guys........Of course I don't understand the obsession with the Omega either, you know who you are:)


Don't Panic

Some people just get it Frank... And other's don't.

As for obsessions... I think 3FNC's are Mostly Harmless compared to so many other possibilities.
I was not quite a teen when the Citation series first came out. That was when all the excitement of the Bicentennial was starting to build. The decal scheme kind of played into that. Back then, Patriot didn't really have all the political meanings it now has. It was just a fun rocket to capture the moment in time.

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I just finished building the new, re-issue, of the Estes Citation Patriot.

The hardest part of this model was putting on the decals. They are very thin and somewhat stretchy but very nice.

Here's a picture of the new Citation Patriot by itself and a picture of it posing with my 1971 vintage Citation Patriot.

Estes New Citation Patriot 001.jpg

Estes Citation Patriots 001.jpg