Dragon Rocketry update

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Well-Known Member
TRF Sponsor
Feb 8, 2021
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First let me start off by saying Thank you everyone for your support. Now let's get to the reason for this post. With the expansion of contracts I have with my graphics shop it has cut into my time for rocketry. Working a full-time job (day job) and running Dragon Graphixs has become 2 full time jobs (70 to 92 hours a week). With that said I no longer have the time to do kits like I use to, so what kits that are on my site may be the only kits available for some time or maybe ever. Kits in the future may become limited run kits during any down time I have. If you ever wanted one of my kits, jump on it while they are available. No, I am not closing up shop, just have to change the game plan for now, until I retire from my day job (hopefully by the end of this year or sooner).

I will still be offering laser cutting services, 3D printing services and graphics as these are items that can be easily added to my daily mix.

Again, thank you all for your support and understanding.

Dragonrocketry web logo.png
I am happy for you but sad to see this all at the same time. Just ordered the 5.5" Fat Boy and 3" Super Big Bertha. Looks like I might have gotten the last one of each. :(

Best of luck in your growing business, very exciting times.
Picked up a couple kits. Any chance I can get a couple couplers added so I can make these zipperless? ( Didn't see a place to add them to the order) Just let me know how and I'll send payment.
Picked up a couple kits. Any chance I can get a couple couplers added so I can make these zipperless? ( Didn't see a place to add them to the order) Just let me know how and I'll send payment.
Doug you did not see them as I do not sell couplers and standard tubes. I only stock what I need for kits that I am doing.

Thanks you.
I have a friend that is looking for an Honest John kit after losing his in an ejection failure. There are not many honest john kits being produced these days.
I’d also be interested in a HoJo if you’re taking orders. Passed the first time around and I’ve been kicking myself for that choice.

Should I email as well?
Okay I am going to have some free time after this coming week. If there is an out-of-stock kit you are wanting, list it here and I will try to get some done.
I was hoping to pick up the subatomic piledriver at some point, but it won't be in my budget for a little while yet.
I was hoping to pick up the subatomic piledriver at some point, but it won't be in my budget for a little while yet.
Wait till spring. I cannot slot the tubes right now, since it is too cold to set up my tube jig outside. The router makes too much of a mess in my shop.
This might be a little late for a request.. but also the 4" Nuclear Crowbar.

Super unique kit.

Never got to see your final pics of the one you were coating in CF.
Update on the HOJO kits, nose cones are being printed and will take a few days to finish them all. Hopefully next week I will start packing them up.

Other kits that have been asked about, I will look at doing them after all these HOJO kits are done.

Thank you for your support
Okay I have one extra HOJO kit, and it is listed on my site. If you missed the deadline and still want one, go grab it.