Re: 1-Click It!
- It is not obvious what it is or does. Until very recently I avoided it because I didn't know what it did. It might just need to be renamed to something that gives a better indication of what happens when you choose it.
- Choosing 1-Click It! apparently does the very same thing as simply clicking on the name of the menu in the left menu bar. This is not necessarily a problem, though.

Re: the Home page
Over the last couple of years, you have added several modern-looking button links to various nifty sections of the site along the right edge of the main frame (e.g., Who's Who, your Blog, etc.). The problem is that with them stacked along the edge of the frame, they push the main navigation links (the Table of Contents) down and right off the screen. A couple of years ago, you used to be able to see those links when the home page opened. Those of us who are well-acquainted with the site know that they are there and that we have to scroll down to see them, but a first-time visitor probably wouldn't know that. But I'm not sure that list of links is really needed anymore, because the left menu bar duplicates it. If you do decide to keep it, though, you should update the "Yahoo! circa 1998" look of it to something more modern. And while you are updating its design, find a way to rearrange the aforementioned buttons along the right edge so that they don't push the TOC right off the screen.
Maybe pushing the TOC off the screen was part of the plan, because as I indicated, it is a bit dated. But if you were intentionally trying to hide it or at least make it less prominent, then why even have it in the first place? I used to use the Table of Contents to navigate through the site until you added the left menu bar; now I never use it. With it off the screen, I often forget that it is even there. The left menu bar takes me ju8st about everywhere I want to go in the site now; I use the buttons along the right edge of the frame to get to the few places that aren't listed in the left menu.
With the TOC pushed down, there is a lot of white space below your announcements. If you have many announcements, that space fills up. But I haven't seen that happen in quite awhile, and so it just looks like space that you don't know what to do with.
Re: the top menu bar
Those buttons along the right edge of the page seem to duplicate the items on the top menu bar. I'm not against having a second way to navigate to those sections, but perhaps the items in the top menu bar should be moved to the left menu, and then eliminate the top menu bar. I have been wondering for awhile now why you didn't do that when you created the left menu. I use the left menu now to get to most of the sections of the site; why not make it so that I can use the left menu to get to ALL of the sections of the site?
You asked for unvarnished feedback, so there it is. On a positive note, I find EMRR to be the best single rocketry site on the web. I have my browser configured to open the five web pages that I visit most often and that contain the most important information for me, each in its own tab whenever I start it up or when I hit the Home button. EMRR is one of those five essential web pages (no pun intended). I agree with other posters who have stated that there is nothing in EMRR that really stands out as needing to be fixed. The things that I mentioned above are simply to make EMRR's
home page a bit more logical and intuitive in its placement of elements. I certainly don't think that it needs anything in the way of browser-choking fancy graphics or Flash animations, etc. And for God's sake,
don't touch the content! Please!!