That looks like a bubble between the laminate and whatever you laid over the top. Part of the reason for that is that you have a lot of epoxy pooled on the surface, which makes sense if you used 150% epoxy by weight. A rotisserie might solve that if you didn't put a layer of wax paper or something over the top of the laminate, but it won't solve the problem of too much epoxy. For 2oz cloth, you can probably wet it out with just a little epoxy painted on to the tube surface. Once you work the cloth into the epoxy with a roller or brush, it will go clear. After that, don't add more epoxy, or you'll get the result you have here. Once the epoxy sets, you can add another thin layer to fill in the weave or wait and do it with a lightweight sealer/sander. The epoxy on the surface doesn't add strength, just improves the finish.
Another option I haven't tried is using a peel ply over the cloth. Others can weigh in on that.