Daffynition: What really makes something an Odd-Roc?

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Micro Craftman/ClusterNut
TRF Supporter
Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
Washington DC
OK! I've been accused of being an Odd-Roc junkie. and Yes I do enjoy building and flying FUNNY things, but what really makes a model qualify as an Odd-Roc?

Is it the overall look?
Is the the materials and construction?
It is the way it flys...or attempts to fly?
or is it just in the eye of the beholder in that, this "Model" is something that wasn't intended to fly??

Here are a couple simple examples of what "I" think of was Odd-Rocs. I'll be very interested to see and hear what the rocket flying community thinks.

017-sm_R2-D2 Odd-Roc_02-12-86.jpg


090a-sm_M48-A5 Vampire Tank Odd-RocPMC_03-02-91.jpg

310a2-sm_MM SpinRingThings & Scott's FS 3pic_07-23-05.jpg

451o1a-sm_Turkey Trottin Wings On Complete_10-29-06.jpg
my view of what an odd roc is, is a "rocket" that i look at and think -that's a bit odd.
so everything in the pictures above are odd in my opinion, although there are rockets like saucers where i am starting the think that they are almost not an odd roc because thet are getting more common.
or is it just in the eye of the beholder in that, this "Model" is something that wasn't intended to fly??

Yes ... I would define it as a rocket that doesn't look like a something intended to fly.

When we have our "Akavish" spider-themed rockets on display at a launch, someone always asks if they are really rockets. That pretty much defines them as "odd-rocs." :)

-- Roger
But aren't saucers commonly considered to be oddrocs as well?

I'd think to look at most saucers, they wouldn't be something considered "normally" as something that flys? but I only had five photo places for the opening post.

and what about "Bottle or container Rockets", Crayons and Critters?

038a-sm_UFO 2 stage_10-28-89.jpg

429b-sm_Love Your GroundHog 2 pic_02-02-02.jpg
  • If the RSO takes one look and LAUGHS
  • If it's not 3FNC and spins rapidly
  • If it falls into pieces during flight.... intentionally
  • If it goes less than 10 feet per mm of motor diameter
  • If it contains a significant number of motors not pointed down
  • If it comes with ATF, FBI, and FDA warnings
  • If it's wider than it is long
  • If it is spherical, cubical, or otherwise not rocket-shaped
  • If the UFO junkies come to your house at night
  • If it's made to look like something not a rocket
  • You asked Tim Van Milligan about putting it in Rocksim and he laughed at you
  • If it's the reason you no longer have hair
  • If the materials list includes titanium, uranium, alcohol, dry ice, lignum vitae, or "industrial-grade duct tape"
  • If your name is Dick Stafford and you wear your rocket
  • If it uses sticks, cones, or nothing at all for stability
  • If the only conventional material on it is the motor mount
  • If is has less than 2 or more than 20 fins
  • If it flies on 18mm motors... and they make you launch if off the away cell
  • If other folks still heckle you about 'the accident'
  • If the RSO takes one look and LAUGHS
  • If it's not 3FNC and spins rapidly
  • If it falls into pieces during flight.... intentionally
  • If it goes less than 10 feet per mm of motor diameter
  • If it contains a significant number of motors not pointed down
  • If it comes with ATF, FBI, and FDA warnings
  • If it's wider than it is long
  • If it is spherical, cubical, or otherwise not rocket-shaped
  • If the UFO junkies come to your house at night
  • If it's made to look like something not a rocket
  • You asked Tim Van Milligan about putting it in Rocksim and he laughed at you
  • If it's the reason you no longer have hair
  • If the materials list includes titanium, uranium, alcohol, dry ice, lignum vitae, or "industrial-grade duct tape"
  • If your name is Dick Stafford and you wear your rocket
  • If it uses sticks, cones, or nothing at all for stability
  • If the only conventional material on it is the motor mount
  • If is has less than 2 or more than 20 fins
  • If it flies on 18mm motors... and they make you launch if off the away cell
  • If other folks still heckle you about 'the accident'

#1 #1 #1 :roll:
Two comments of the definitions of same...

1. They may be hard to define, but ya' know them when ya' see them :shock:

2. I personally don't consider saucers to be odd-rocs. They are just too common and I consider them mainstream. Kinda like saying gliders are odd-rocs.
And how much of a rocket has to be odd before it's an odd-roc?

Unless it qualifies under the Fairlie Exception when a figure as low as 15.29% may be accepted. Even so the Birtlebog Challenge may be invoked by an objector qualified under rule 456(a) (2).*

* The full text of this rule reads as follows:
'Mornington Crescent'.
Unless it qualifies under the Fairlie Exception when a figure as low as 15.29% may be accepted. Even so the Birtlebog Challenge may be invoked by an objector qualified under rule 456(a) (2).*

* The full text of this rule reads as follows:
'Mornington Crescent'.

Have to agree with Spacecadet on that one LOL!!!! 36.47% LOL :roll:
Is this in the pink book? Or whatever color the book is.

Actually, I've developed a reputation at MDRA. The only rockets of mine they consider odd are the ones that aren't odd :cyclops: Helps with RSOing....they just mumble a bit and stamp the card.
Does anyone know where I can get the plans for the flying toilet?:roll:
o just need to bring a newspaper......
Maybe John can post some more details. From the photo caption,
though, it looks like the original design was unstable, so you
might need to make some changes for it to fly right (whatever
that means for a toilet). :)

You probably already know about this, but Estes has a kit along
the same lines called the "Porta Pot Shot", a flying porta potty.
It doesn't go very high but it's fun. There's a review here:

It was Exceedingly UNSTABLE! I don't think the builder ever considered weather or not the thing would be stable LOL!!! it wasn't a pretty sight.
Might I suggest scrapdaddy try building a couple easier to stabilize Odd-Rocs before he jumps into something as asymmetric as that.
It was Exceedingly UNSTABLE! I don't think the builder ever considered weather or not the thing would be stable LOL!!! it wasn't a pretty sight.
Might I suggest scrapdaddy try building a couple easier to stabilize Odd-Rocs before he jumps into something as asymmetric as that.

ooooohh i have an idea dangle some toilet paper from the rocket it will provide some drag and stablize the rocket abit without ruining the asthetics
ooooohh i have an idea dangle some toilet paper from the rocket it will provide some drag and stablize the rocket abit without ruining the asthetics

You really worry me some there Scrapdaddy;
I wish you'd spend a bit more time reading and learning the basics.. do you have a copy of Stines book "The Handbook of Model Rocketry"? any addition you can get your hands on if fine.... I strongly suggest spending some time in depth with this volumn.
We are talking about a flying toilet here there's no need to be serious :roll:
But I do run a copy of tim van milligans "model rocket design and construction although it never mentioned a flying toilet
But I do run a copy of tim van milligans "model rocket design and construction although it never mentioned a flying toilet

Van Milligans book is a Secondary addition to the library....not the Handbook! Quest, has the current edition available, as does amazon, NARTS etc.
If your going to be posting about any type rocketry, ya really need to have a working knowledge of the subject. I've been reading some of your posts and they indicate to me your either pretty green or just trying to up your post totals or sound funny. We're all very happy to helps folks with their rocket building needs on TRF and some of us who've been around awhile really like to pay forward by answering on this and other forums but it really doesn't take the place of doing some ground work yourself;)

Again! I Strongly suggest spending the 20 bucks or so for a copy of the Handbook of Rocketry by G. Harry Stine. It's loaded with answers to many of the question asked and will really help with your approach and mindset.

Odd-Rocs are one of the many "side line" sort of advanced forms of Model rocketry that require a bit more then just a desire to build something. They can Hurt if not designed and produced with care and at least a little engineering before the first flight. Roc-sim won't help a bit with most odd-rocs, you'll need other skills to determine CP/CG relationships and other Stability requirements. The fellow that flew the 1/3rd scale toilet without much in the way of pre-judgement or precausion wasn't prepared at all, I use those photos as posters of what NOT to do in designing Odd-Rocs, that flight could have caused accident or injury, the only thing that prevented them was a Very good range crew and a headsUP RSO. I for one do not take these type conditions lightly, If a model has little or no chance of a successful flight it's just not worth launching.
Sure this is a hobby, and Yes it's a ton of fun. but like most outdoor activities it Can be a bit dangerous if we do not STRICTLY follow the Model rocket safety code tempered with a very good dose of common sense.
One thing i've learned over the 45+ years I've been flying in this hobby.. We all need to Think before we ACT.

Didn't mean to get so serious on ya but Odd-Rocs is one of my other Favorites in the hobby. I want Lots of others to build and fly them...but doing it SAFELY.
I have noticed that the odd roc catagoy only has 11 threads.... And someone told me a quote that i wont soon forget "Challenger should have tought us one thing if in doubt DONT LAUNCH!"
I really think I belong in the odd roc catogory of rocketry I mean come on what's wrong with 3FNC? Although if you somehow get that thing stable SELL it as a kit! I bet that would sell out withen 20 secs of releasing (some people have an obsessin with ummm "objects used in the septic system" and rockets those just make a perfect pair.... And for the record what engine size was the one used on the flying toilet? Oh and I'd really like to see Tim Van Milligan turn that into a rocksim file....... But that's for aN another day......
Odd-Roc forum section is only a little more then a month old which is why there are only 11 threads.

Many of us "Old timers" have been building these Odd contrapsion for as long as we've been flying back in the mid 1960's. I think one of the original ODD-Ball rockets came out as an Estes Kit " the Birdie" which was simple an short 18mm motor powered badmitten bird.
Since then there have been litterly hundreds of strange flying creations. Some don't fly at all like a model rocket, others are built around "themes".
Some NAR Sections have even had on-going annual contest. such as the "Maryland Funny Meet" at which all events are flown with some sort or Odd-Roc. Events Like Un-Scale, Floatation duration, Barbie Bail-out Spot landing, Critter Creations, and on and on.
Odd-Roc creation is only limited by our creativity and imagination....Tempered with a bit of basic Rocket science and engineering. but don't let these frighten or dishearten. These principals are ALL spelled out in Stines Book...and others that I'm sure you'll find and follow up with.

Personally my current rocket fleets (Standard and Micro) contain 63 different Odd-Rocs. I haven't bothered to upload them here again because they were already posted in old TRF-1 in at very long thread on Odd-Roc building. There are a ton of others who fly ODD-Rocs that might be considered regular model rocket like the "Crayon Craze" but I still consider them Odd-Roc as they are truely a strange "Skywriting impliment" LOL!!!!
I've downscaled and stablized the flying toilet but have chosen NEVER to release it as it's even as a 3 D-12 cluster was/is a really tricky build. perhaps when I rework it to fly on a micro maxx cluster I may change my mind, until that time well... the photos of that awful failed attempt will be as far as the public well see:)

Here are a few of the odd rocs in my current fleets, I'm sure if you do a search of TRF-1 you'll find that old thread with Lots of other folks creations as well.

Pg-2a_Christmas theme Odd-Rocs-06-02.jpg

Pg-3_Halloween Odd-Roc Pg_06-02.jpg

Pg-4_Pig-Crayon-Cactus Odd-Rocs 06-02.jpg

Pg-5_Flyin Critters_02-03.jpg
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That explains it :D I knew somthing as crazy as this should have more threads
I am New to TRF:blush: