Dad Jokes...

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Not a dad joke, but still funny.

Four surgeons are discussing their favorite patients.

The first surgeon says "I like to operate on librarians. When I open them up everything is in alphabetical order.

The second surgeon says "I like to operate on accountants. When I open them up everything is in numerical order.

The third surgeon says "I like to operate on electricians. When I open them up everything is color coded".

The fourth surgeon says "I like to operate on politicians"

The other three surgeons are in disbelief.

The fourth surgeon continues, "Because when I open them up they are heartless, gutless, spineless, and you can interchange the head for the butt".
An African chieftain, upon encountering the Europeans in the 1700s, developed a penchant for collecting the old chairs of European royalty. He kept the chairs in the upper story of a two story grass hut.

He and his family slept in the downstairs section.

One night, after acquiring his 19th royal chair (at a good price!) the ceiling collapsed. The chieftain was killed, although his family survived with minor injuries.

The moral?

People who live is grass houses shouldn’t stow thrones.
two federal prisoners were in their cell reminiscing about the good times they had had with their families prior to their incarceration.

One said, “we used to go to the beach and bury each other is the sand.”

The other said, “Yeah, I used to to do that with my wife.”


“maybe when I get out I’ll go dig her up.”
two federal prisoners were in their cell reminiscing about the good times they had had with their families prior to their incarceration.

One said, “we used to go to the beach and bury each other is the sand.”

The other said, “Yeah, I used to to do that with my wife.”


“maybe when I get out I’ll go dig her up.”
That reminds me of a joke:

I just helped my neighbor bury an old roll of carpet she wanted to get rid of.
Her husband was out of town.
A robot walks into a bar and goes to order a drink. The bartender says, "Hey, we don't serve your kind here!"

The robot replies, "Oh, yeah? ... not yet."
A priest, a minister, and a rabbit all go to a clinic to donate blood.

The nurse asks them their blood types. The priest says "I'm type B negative." The minister says "I'm type A, don't remember if it's positive or negative." The rabbit says "I'm a typo."