Delving into a side project here. With our 2 stage flights coming up, accessing and arming av-bays that are positioned 10+ feet up on the airframe is not appealing. We have a few problems with our current setup that I would like to address and I think we can do it with one power management board that controls charging and power switching to components. This thread serves 2 purposes: it's a documentation thread for the project and a place to get feedback on the design coupled with testing to the point where I am confident it can 1) operate in a safe manner and 2) be able to meet Tripoli requirements for use at a launch. Feel free to tell me just how much of an idiot I am with the design as long as you propose an alternative that fixes the issue. Call me out in a constructive way because it's been about 10 years since I have done a non-trivial electronics project.
The inspiration for this is largely the Eggtimer WiFi switch. I love the concept and it solves a lot of problems but ends up being rather power hungry and it's cumbersome when you have to connect to 6 of them to turn things on. As with any well thought out project, here are the problems we are trying to solve and the main design goals.
The inspiration for this is largely the Eggtimer WiFi switch. I love the concept and it solves a lot of problems but ends up being rather power hungry and it's cumbersome when you have to connect to 6 of them to turn things on. As with any well thought out project, here are the problems we are trying to solve and the main design goals.
The root problems:
- When the av-bay is more than 5 feet in the air it is hard to climb up and arm the switches.
- Being on the ladder or hanging on the truss next to a sustainer with the igniter in arming avionics carries a non-zero amount of risk.
- It's impossible to know with the current system if the cameras are on. We want some feedback as to whether they are all on.
- We currently use Mag Switches. If we don't launch, they will drain the batteries enough over the next months and we will need to take the airframe apart to charge.
Design Goals:
- Safety: NO Compromises
- electrically isolated circuits and batteries for each altimeter for full stack redundancy.
- separate switching hooking the battery into pyro channels (important when we are dealing with a sustainer igniter)
- Be able to turn everything on wireless from the ground with an easily readable status
- Charging:
- Separate batteries for backup altimeter and cameras (power hogs, don't want to drain the GPS battery either).
- Ability to plug in an umbilical from outside the rocket that supplies charging power to charge the batteries.
- Needs to be modal: You're either charging or in a power supply state
- Power Management
- Components to switch power on and off to: Primary altimeter (with separate pyro control), backup altimeter (with separate pyro control), GPS Tracker, Cameras
- Altimeters MUST remain on if the power management control board loses power/browns out/is unresponsive/resets/etc.
- When each component is off, it draws zero current from the batteries.
- Single screw switch that is accessible from outside the rocket to power the management board on and put it in a state to receive control commands.