You wanna tell the story about Doug's rocket or should I?
In short, it went down faster than it went up...
I heard a whistling from behind me at the truck, and then a big THUMP. And Doug's Target rocket was no more... We went running to the rocket with a dozen or so others... the whole thing was shortened considerably, one fin was off, and teh whole MMT was thrown a considerable distance away from the crash site. We eventually got the rocket out, but the nose was stuck in the ground. Doug gave it up for lost, but said if we dug it out, to return it to him. We decided that since we had nothing better to do, we would go dig out the cone and see if it was any shape...
We eventually got it out... the two-foot cone was reduced by about 8"... Crumpled. Destroyed. We brought the toataled cone back to Doug... Cant say we did that much good digging it out of the ground, but it was fun...
After that, I went after another (smaller, thank goodness!) lawn-darted cone... Dug it out within 5 minutes, and teh cone was in pretty good shape. With a bit of sanding and filler, itll be as good as new. The small scrapes came from the shovel I was using to dig it out, regrettably... But a nose cone with a few scratches on it is a lot better than a rocket buried a foot in the half in the ground...
I also flew my Spitfire IV, that untill-recently un named future-kit with the 8 side-pods on the oversize fins.... Two perfect flights on D12s, and an almost-perfect flight on an E18W. The chute didnt open on the last flight, but the rockets fine. I think ill retire it and save it. The origional version of the first kit I will make (the fiberglassed kit will be a while yet) deserves a spot of honor hanging from my ceiling.
And then I flew my 3" IQSY Tomahawk on an H242T. Perfect flight, perfect liftoff pic, almost-perfect landing. Small problem in the landing... It drifted a little far... Way past the barbed-wire fence, and right in the middle of two stands of trees! Lucky me!
So all in all it was a perfect launch. Ill let everyone else fill you in on thier flights, but there were a lot of good ones today!