CMASS 06 July Launch - The Return to Acton, MA

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I-95 Envoy
TRF Supporter
Mar 6, 2010
Reaction score
Amesbury, MA
Our next club launch is coming up on 06 July in Acton. Thank you goes out to Jim Salem for securing our dates for launches this summer in Acton; the cricketeers will have to do with four fewer days to play.

As is our custom, set up will begin about 9:30 and flying will commence when we are set to go. The day will end at 4 PM. If you can help out setting up or breaking down, please do so; you get a much better feeling of flying satisfaction if you pitch in. Also, any NAR members who want to can volunteer for a shift or two at Launch Control or Safety Check - use the sign-up sheet to reserve your spot.

There will be a debriefing meal at a local restaurant immediately following the loading of the trailer.

Remember, Acton is a small field so chose your rocket/motor combination for the conditions when you launch to ensure you get your rocket back. High power motors are not allowed. We don't get a make-up day if the weather is bad so keep an eye on the home page for any last minute cancellations. We now have a better set up for less than ideal weather conditions (Thanks, Guy) so, unless it is forecast to make flights impossible, we'll put something up in the air and hit the restaurant early.
the cricketeers will have to do with four fewer days to play.
Screw those guys. They literally wouldn't give up even ONE DAY out of the entire spring, summer and fall. I also felt it was unfair of the town to allow one group to monopolize the field like that. That's a public, not privately owned field which means it is maintained with taxpayer dollars. This ones 4 U cricketeers!
Screw those guys. They literally wouldn't give up even ONE DAY out of the entire spring, summer and fall. I also felt it was unfair of the town to allow one group to monopolize the field like that. That's a public, not privately owned field which means it is maintained with taxpayer dollars. This ones 4 U cricketeers!
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I say, not very sporting of them! Not quite cricket if you ask me (R R R R)
The weather looks like it is going to hold off until later in the day though the morning may be foggy. We may get a whole day of launches in provided we get some volunteers to help set up/tear down, safety check and launch.
I've signed up for an hour of LCO duty. I can probably do more, if need be. I'm only bringing five this time - trying to keep to a realistic number for what I usually fly!
I'm out of town for the holiday, so I won't be there this week. Hope the weather holds out for you.